Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Oh Lordy, gum boots check.. waxed jacket check..
jeans tucked into boots check.. umbrella check..

ME? I am staying at home on pole.. for I have absolutely NO desire to go out there.. if I want to get wet, all I have to do is climb into that very big old dish on top of the cupboard.. and there I can splash and splosh to hearts content. 

It is actually one of MY water dishes, but SHE changes the water every day, sometimes twice if SHE knows I have been larking about in it.

SHE, as YOU will have surmised, has to go out, hence the wet weather survival kit that SHE is clad in.

WHY? Well, there is a birthday card to post, a few library books to change, food to purchase, places to go and things to do.

Rain means clouds which means, that although the temperature dropped dramatically last night, old Jack Frost was not able to scatter his icy ice last night, phew, this means all of the sweet corn, that a friend planted yesterday afternoon, will not have been brutalised and OUR tommies are safe. 

By the way..

Did YOU hear about or see that a ski area in America had had a fall of over three feet of snow on Sunday night. THREE FEET! The weather this year is truly dotty.

WE always get filthy weather after something like this happening on the east coast, therefore, the plastic sheets guarding OUR tommies will not come off for another two weeks.

WE know all about old Jack and his sneaky tricks, huh, he paid US a visit on June 9th one year. 

Off to pole I go.. flap flap. I wonder what SHE will bring back for lunch?

GeeGee Parrot.
May 28th, 2013.

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