Tuesday, 14 May 2013


What a month it is turning out to be!

WE were and still are saddened and shocked by yesterday news about the fire in The Fishbowl.

Then WE learnt that someone has been telling lies, yes, Dear Readers, YOU can tell that they were BIG fat ones when SHE calls them by their proper name.

Now it transpires that the Meteorological folk say that there is a huge amount of rain coming in and that there may be some snow falling.. gulp! 

Those poor Tommies at the garden, the ones under the corrugated sheet will be ok but WE hope that the others, which are behind the wind breaks, will stand up to the battering that is forecasted.

The sky is so dull and gloomy, it is the month of May and yet SHE has lights on inside as it is so dim. The seedlings in the back room are alright, they have MY 'sad' light to cheer them up and are as happy as can be.

With the next few days looking to be pretty nasty weather wise, those plants and seedlings are going to stay, cosy and snug, at home. 

There is no point in planting them out just for old Wind to rip them to shreds OR to give old Slug-the-Bug something delicious to eat. That reminds ME, SHE has to make lots of cardboard collars for the Brassicas.

WE plan on staying indoors and will sort out HER photographs. WE recommend that YOU stay cool or warm, whichever YOU prefer!

GeeGee Parrot.
May 14, 2013.

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