Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Lonng ago in the 1950's, HER family rented an old house called The Old Vicarage in a village in Kent called West Malling. 

Note: The area is renown for fruit growing. The world famous East Malling Research Station (EMR) is nearby. The original research unit was started in 1913. The scientists who work here are extremely helpful and specialists in their fields of perennial fruit. 

SHE adored one of Constance's friends who lived literally next door. Eleanor Corfe and her family were fruit farmers. They had grown-up sons and a slightly younger daughter called Sue, who was sweet and had told her mother that SHE could play with her old toys whenever SHE came to visit. 

To get to the Corfe's, YOU turned left, if YOU turned right and went up the lane the other way, standing back from the road up a very long drive, was a beautiful house which belonged to a family whom HER parents knew but not as close friends. 

They had an eight year old daughter, a rather sad and lonely only child, SHE and HER brother used to make a point of including her in games and jaunts but on this day, she was not with them. 

It was a week-end in the height of apple season and everyone was in the orchards, Eleanor was in charge and picking had stopped for lunch which had been brought in on a trailer to one of the orchards. 

After lunch, the children were told "be back here at 6 of the clock and stay away from the lake". Off they went, a very noisy bunch of young kids. 

But who was missing? Why, their friend from the lovely house.. "let's go and see if she wants to come and play" someone said, so off they went to fetch her. 

Shouting and squealing and calling out the girl's name, they ran up the long drive, their friend had heard them coming.. most of Kent heard them they were making such a racket.. and was out in front of her house. "Come and play with us" they all shouted in their high pitched young voices. 

Suddenly a window flew up and a woman's head 
appeared. Oh dear, she was slightly the worst for a glass of wine, and her irate voice screeched "Who 
is making all that filthy noise?" 

The response? "Please mum, it wasn't me.. it was the Vicarage children".

YOU never forget things like that.

GeeGee Parrot.
May 15th, 2013.

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