Wednesday, 8 May 2013


WELL.. huh hum.. YOU can tell there is NO housework being done in this house, can't YOU!

I had to come back to see where SHE was as there was not sight nor sound of Mr.Dyson doing his stuff and what did I find? HER lolling about typing up Posts on MY Blog for YOU.

I suppose that's ok, surely duster, mop and polish would have something to say if they thought SHE was lolling about reading a book or a newspaper on line but posting Posts is acceptable, is it not.

Someone has telephoned to ask HER about the type of Cherry called 'Montmorency' which WE Blogged about earlier today. That was quick, the Post has only just gone up on-line!

Here are some details, it is a sour / tart Cherry variety, most used in the USA for Cherry Pie. It appears not to mind cold winters for it grows happily in the northern states of America and in Canada. 

It does grow in France but it is not so common and for many years it was almost un-heard of in the 

The fruit is of a much lighter red than the very sour famous variety, the Morello. SHE has one of these, a happy tree which is now nine years old.

SHE searched for and bought the Montmorency because SHE experienced the most extraordinary results from drinking the juice of this fruit when SHE was in America in 2007.

The juice is known to contain Anthocyanin's, this greatly helped the function and movement of HER knees, which YOU all know are NOT the most flexible joints in HER body.

And SHE slept the sleep of a log! Sadly this is not 
HER normal sleep pattern. Apparently the juice 
increases YOUR level of Melatonin. These are 
facts from several Clinical trials done on this fruit here in the UK as well as in the USA.

NO complaints please if it does not help YOU.. WE are merely saying what helped HER and eating fruit is good for everyone..

When SHE got back here to London, SHE could not find the same quality juice as that in the USA, so what to do.. got a garden.. find a tree.. grow it.. was the answer! 

Now YOU all know why SHE bought another 'sour' Cherry.

Chocks away for I see movement.. WE're off!

GeeGee Parrot.
May 8th, 2013.

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