Friday, 31 May 2013


Good morning Dear Readers. Actually, it is good morning indeedy because it is not raining and that makes a change as it was wet yesterday.

Oh, I have to explain about Tigers roaring, don't I. 

Ok, here is a scenario for YOU. YOU make a plan starting in May the next year, the plan involves someone else. The next year YOUR plan changes, YOU would let the other person know as soon as possible, wouldn't YOU? Well.. they didn't.. sigh.

          So SHE is practising a favourite motto.

                  Restraint of tongue & pen!

And that, Dear Readers, is all SHE is allowing ME to say, as I said in the title "there is not point in getting YOUR stripes in a twist. Stripes, knickers, YOU know what I mean. SHE 'roared' yesterday but now.. well today is another day.

And SHE has to go to the allotments whether SHE wants to or not! There are triffids in the back room who are waving at OUR neighbours.. aka Climbing French Beans who have grown to be enormously fat and must be planted so that they can climb up poles. 

And lots of other varieties of Beans, all bought for 'very little money' from 'YOU know where', all of which have been a great success.. HER new seed 'merchant'!

So it is time for action, tea in bed first, then up to break that dreadful fast. I confess I cheat, I have a mini snacket of cashew nuts in the night if old tumtum says that he thinks throat has been slit.

Pip pip, Dear Readers.. and remember.. Don't get YOUR knickers in a state.. communicate!

GeeGee Parrot.
May 31st, 2013.

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