Thursday, 2 May 2013


Miss Lily is not the only plant spreading at the garden! When SHE went to pick the Jonquils SHE saw a lot of leaves which SHE did not recognise, until SHE moved over to pick the Bluebells.. and saw that someone has come to stay!

Miss Forget-Me-Not used to live just outside the fence and she has been there for many years, smiling at HER when SHE arrived. 

But she must have slid under the fence for now she is everywhere!

A little bit too-much everywhere, as she is not supposed to be canoodling with the Garlic or those Onions. So today there is going to be a little bit of delicate weeding done. SHE will take out the tiny undeveloped plants and leave the flowering ones.

Did YOU know that YOU have to replace Strawberry Plants? The ones WE have are now very old and, yes, I know all about runners etc.. but WE have not been so hot on their trail and also WE would like to try some different varieties.

This means a trip to the lovely Phoebe's in Catford will be on the agenda and this could be combined 
with a visit to the wonderful Horniman Museum.

I know I said Culture Vulturing was off the menu, but who can resist that place? Not HER, that's for sure! Or the Dulwich Picture Gallery.. drool..

But the Strawberry buying jaunt to Catford will not happen for at least a couple of weeks because today.. is a garden day.

So I leave YOU with what those norty Dwarfs sang "hey ho, hey ho, it's off to work WE go".

GeeGee Parrot.
May 2nd, 2013.

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