Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Natural disasters.. the devastating effect is indescribable.

Dear Readers.

Nature has dealt the world another deadly blow. I am, of course, refering to that monstrous tornado that decimated an enormous section of the suburbs of Oklahoma City yesterday.

It is a miracle that anyone survived and a tragedy that people and animals have died. It seems almost unbelievable, that in this day and age when WE are able to fly to the moon and back, that tornadoes cannot be harnessed in some useful way.

But their power and unpredictability is such that practically nothing can withstand their destructive force.

WE are, like I am sure YOU are, so sorry for these devastated people who have lost family members, their animals, their homes and businesses and so it is to the whole city and, especially to the town of Moore, that WE entend our condolences and sympathy.

GeeGee Parrot.
May 21st, 2013.

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