Saturday, 15 September 2012

FOURTEEN PEONIES ORDERED..... well, that was quick!

SHE wiggled very speedily, yes, for there is really no other way to describe the speed SHE has when doing something SHE wishes to do.

HER Peony order has been placed.. with their order confirmation number in HER 'Garden' file.

Solfatare three, Duchesse de Nemours three, Edulis Superba three, Leto three and last but certainly NOT least, Festiva Maxima two.. the total, including packing etc and the all important 'Health Certificate' without which OUR Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries would not allow the importation of these plant, was £75.63. For fourteen plants!

For amusement, SHE has jurst been on to a highly respected Peony Nursery's site in England.. their starting price is 'significantly' higher.. 

SHE costed the order with their prices and squealed with delight / horror when it came to a price of.. wait.. are YOU sitting down?

THREE HUNDRED POUNDS! Goodness gracious US!!..

Now.. SHE off and I can settle down to a quiet dozy day.. SHE has three hundred Onion sets to plant.. well, WE do eat a lot of them.. plus sixty Daffodils and thirty Narcissi.. lots to do.. good thing it is a fine day.

GeeGee Parrot.
September 15th, 2012.

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