Thursday, 27 September 2012


Dear Readers, do YOU ever get a headache or pain in the head for no reason? Bizarre.. one minute SHE was ok and happy on little bus going to the garden, the next minute there was a vice being tightened around HER head.. poor ole bat.. SHE worked for three hours at garden but had to give in.. sun was making it worse!

SHE came home early via Waitrose.. WE were down to ONE Lapsang tea bag left in tin! SHE took a pill (very rare), had something to eat and drink.. ah ha.. yes, chicken and vegetable stock / soup jurst the ticket!

Pain is receeding but I think it will not be too long before WE put ourselves to bed.. no reading, eyes sore.

But did YOU 'clock' what SHE wrote earlier.. sun was out!  

The weather forecast was for 'desperately gruesome' rain storms all day over London and the South Easterly part of country today and tomorrow... where do 'they' get their information from?

However, from the time SHE got up until about four of the clock, there was not a cloud in the sky, SHE dug with jurst a thin sweater.. sun now low in the sky.. but still warm between twelve and three of the clock.

Oh.. one piece of very good news.. SHE spoke with The Wizard today, yes, Rob is back from Australia and they will probably finish mending and strenghtening Little Shed week after next.

I had a lazy day today, so it was very nice to have HER back earlier than usual.. I was surprised to hear HER key in door and the "hello" whistle.. had to stop doing whatever it was and fly down hall to welcome HER home.

Now.. jurst a few more beakfuls of Rye Bread and then I am going to settle down and watch a little bit of television.. 

Enjoy YOUR evenings, wherever YOU may be.

GeeGee Parrot.
September 27th, 2012.

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