Saturday, 22 September 2012

Barnes Food Fair

Oooh.. WE did not get up out of bed until after nine of the clock..  but a bright a sunny day awaited US.. Which was a good thing as larst night it was very chilly-billy with ole nip in the air.. SHe fears old Jack Frost may be scattering his icy wares around soon..

SHE tells this to the two HUGE tomato plants that are outside the house.. have they listened? Huh..  fat chance, they are still growing and producing flowers as if it was July.. not late September!

SHE went to The Barnes Food Fair, which had a 'fair' selection of stalls but SHE thought that there would be more actually stalls actually serving food as it started at ten of the clock And there were no Asian stalls.. pity that, SHE would have wolfed some delicious Malaysian or Vietnamese goodies.

So SHE came home.. feeling slightly hungry.. via the market and 
was through the door at five of the clock with Squidly-Diddly and some Mussels.

There are home grown Apples, SHE thinks they're 'James Grieve's' to eat with some extra-strong Cheddar for lunch tomorrow. 

All is well in house.. apart from tidying and dusting and vacuuming etc.. that all needs to be done.. SHE would rather garden than do housework.. poor house, it needs HER to stay at home.. (boring, SHE squeaked) and jurst get on and 'do' it.. along with ironing.. there is much to be done and WE have guests arriving soon..

That will make it all happen.. thank goodness for that!

But now.. WE are going to lie down and have a snooze.. SHE did not sleep well last night, agitated about some thing or other, so a quiet cuddley-buddley under the quilt will do US both a lot of good..

Little shed and paint pot and brush will have to wait until tomorrow.. there is a new 'felt' is on little shed's roof and that means it is safe from rain and snow.

SHE saw proper Oil Cloths today of a good size.. SHE needs some for new tables that SHE wants to make at the garden, if YOU break down some of those very heavy wooden pallets, the main bit make excellent table legs.

SHE has to purchase a new 18 volt battery drill, HER old one will no longer hold a charge.. old like HER!  Much wood work to do.. it is sad that clever Wizard never got back to HER, SHE had lots of carpentry work for him and he would have been so good at it.. 

This is not to say that Dean did not do a good job but Wizard, who has been away in Australia, might have been in need of some 
work.. but it was not to be.. strange how things work out, is it not?

Anyway, that was last week.. now Saturday early in the evening and off WE go for a cuddle period.. fish-the-dish for supper.. smack beak time, ooh, I LURVE Sqidley-Diddley with Chilli and Garlic. 

SHE has plait of delicious new Garlic.. some SHE will plant as it is still almost 'wet'.. the rest is for eating with much joy and pleasure.. yum.

Yawn... "sorry Dear Readers.. sleepy".

GeeGee Parrot.
September 22nd, 2012.

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