Saturday, 9 January 2016


Ooooh.. be prepared for this, folks, is something completely different to my normal posts.

Currently in the British newspapers is the unpleasant news of a woman and her two very young children who have been murdered. An ex-wife of the suspected murderer has come forward and told a newpaper that this man, her ex-husband, ran up debts amounting to £40,000 - $60,000 - in HER name.

We are, obviously very naive, for neither she nor I can fathom out how and why banks and the financial section of companies can AND do, allow this to happen? Yes, I know you can say "Oh, I am speaking for my wife / husband / whoever and they want to buy or borrow xxx and I will collect it / please transfer it to my bank account" but don't they check?

                                           AND IF THEY DON'T.. WHY NOT?

Or, are these financial institutions such money-grabbing bastards that they want to make their 'Pound of Flesh', read The Merchant of Venice by Wm. Shakespeare, and they really don't care about the legalities of transaction, singular or plural as long as they make money?

He ran up debts of £40,000.. in anyone's language, that's a fair chunk of money and yet, no one called or spoke to her or wrote to her asking for further details? Now.. Dear Readers.. because someone is, theoretically, innocent until proven guilty in our 'fair' land AND, we don't actually know if this was tale of the ex-wife is true because it 'might' be just talk.

BUT.. it does brings me to the the true and very sad tale of an extremely famous actress whose stage name was Mrs Jordan, 1761 - 1816. She was, for twenty years, 'under the protection' of the Duke of Clarence - King William 4th, 1830 -1837, they had ten children and lived together in Bushy House, a property given to the Duke of Clarence by the King.

But, under pressure from royal courtiers and other members of the royal famIly, in 1811 he ceased living with her and subsquently married Adelaide Saxe-Meiningen in 1818. He made a 'generous' financial settlement to Mrs. Jordan for her and their ten children - blimy, I should think so too.

But four years later, in 1815, a son-in-law of Mrs Jordan's ran up massive debts 'IN HER NAME' that caused her to have to flee England (what happened to the children?), she fled to France dying alone and penniless outside Paris in St.Cloud one year later in 1816 .. two hundred years ago.

The son-in-law forged her signature or stole and used legal documents for security which were in her name. He MUST have because, 200 years ago, there weren't magic electronic 'now you see it, now you don't bank accounts', the young 'bastard' - excuse my language but this has made her cross and remember, she gets to tap on iPad - must have gone into a bank and signed her name aka written HER signature infront of some half-witted bank official, who probably took a cut or commission on a most dodgiest of dodgy deals.

And folks, these dodgy deals are still going on! How was it that the young dealer, whose name she is not going to tap, was able to cause such damage, for does anyone out there remember Barings Bank?

Don't these banks or people do or have security checks? Obviously not. It makes us shudder at the incompetence of these institutions with whom we trust our pennies.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 9th, 2016.
PostScript: King William's four children born to Queen Adelaide did not survive infancy and this is how and why Princess Victoria became Queen.

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