Friday, 1 January 2016


What could have been more delicious? They had that wonderful non-alcoholic drink that looks like Campari, smells like Campari, tastes like Campari but isn't and I got a small jam jar of fresh water with a squeeze of lemon juice.

The crab was delish! Even more so because she hadn't had to do the work of excavating the white flesh from the claws. She took with us a jar of homemade mayonnaise into which she chopped a red onion.

They finished this with French beans that they ate after the soufflé. I LOVE soufflés because they disappear in a nano-second but leave a wonderful taste, well, a good one does and this was a cooked to perfection example that the three of us enjoyed this afternoon.

You tend to forget about 'classic' dishes, don't you? She remembers how Hugo roared with laughter when he saw the expression 'Real men don't eat quiche', oh, how he laughed and said "Bollocks, not only do real men eat quiche, they make them" and, he could!

His Quiche Lorraine was a splendid thing, cold for picnics or as a treat when she was staying at home or when he said "I'll do lunch" if he knew Constance was in the midst of doing something.

And that Double Chocolate Frozen cake from the supermarket, well, it's a veryvery good thing she has the will of iron and left it behind when we left, for she'd be sneaking not-so little mouthfuls off it if it had come home with us, that's for sure!

But sense prevailed, maybe because she knows, gulp, that on Monday, January 4th at 13.00 hours, she'll be stepping onto those scales again! She missed her weigh-in last Monday, because she and BUB were hot on the trail of Ambrose and Constance during which, she ate a samosa and drank a milky coffee.

Huh, so I wonder if she'll be up or down in weight? The last weigh-in had her at 9.12.5 lbs, which showed her having lost 29lbs. However, chocolate cake and mayonnaise have to go somewhere, don't they? Mind you, she hasn't eaten vast amounts of food over the holidays, I know it sounds as if she does nothing else but it certainly isn't in the quantity that she used to eat.

Huh.. I hear BUB choking with laughter, the less said about the plate of food that she ate in Soho's Chinatown last Monday night the better, for she exhibited true Python behaviour and scoffed the lot, plus vegetables and a bowl of rice.

But now party time is over, she wishes and fully intends to get rid of the rest of this weight, she's been pretty idle over the past few days but intends to put a new battery into her pedometer, get out there and walk 10,000 steps per day.. EACH day.. this will happen come rain or shine.

Lots to do folks. Wizard will be back next week and starting on the storage area shelving, she plans to re-decorate the bathroom, it needs it as the Numpty builders did work in there and left it looking a 'right' mess.

Then she has to photograph the lamps and get them ready for sale. The shredder is going to be working overtime, there are fabrics that need to be sold. She's decided to let 'Aunt Fern's' clothes go, they need to go to Kerry Taylor's auction house.

However, none of the before mentioned will happen this weekend. We'll loll about and work in the old office cupboard in the bedroom and if I sit on one of the open doors and chirp encouragement, why, it should only take a day or two.. it's a veryvery big cupboard and.. it's full.

I'm off for a mouthful of orange and then it will be my bed time, she wanted to telephone Patsy in California today, but, alas and alack, we don't have her telephone number, how silly is that? Very silly indeed, so an email had to suffice, Chirpchirp, this is my new noise.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 1st, 2016.

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