Thursday, 7 January 2016


It is another grain un-related to Wheat and it is GLUTEN free! Yes sirree.. so you can now run off, hock the kids and the dog and eat caviar and blinis all night long! For proper blinis are made out of Buckwheat flour!

Oh.. We surely are the biggest mine of useless information you've ever come across in your life. But who knew? Who can honestly stick up their hand and say "we knew it wan't?" Huh, I wonder how porky-pies (lies) will be told.

Anyway, back to this 'ere grain called Buckwheat, it's tasty and does you good because it gives you. Iron, calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other goodly things too numerous to mention.

And, unless you're shopping in an incredibly expensive food store, it's cheap. She pays about £1.15 for a kilo (2.2lb) bag. It's very easy to cook.. reallyreally easy.

Here's how she does it.. for every 1 cup of Buckwheat you use 1.5 cup of water. She roasts the grains before adding them to boiling water, this is how she does it. Into a wide open pan, she pours the BW, NO oil, just a steel pan, puts the pan over quite a high heat, stirs the grains for about three minutes, you'll see them changing colour a bit.

In the meantime she's got another pan with the water on to boil, she adds 1/2 tsp of salt and a slug of olive oil, when the grains are roasted, pour them into the boiling water, cook them over a high heat until you see the surface water has disappeared, then put the lid on the pan and turn the heat down.

They'll take another 7 - 10 minutes at least, she chops up whatever vegetable we are having like skinny beans and half a leek, cut into slices. She pops them into the pan, they sit on top of the grains and steam, before she turns down the heat. The grains are done when the water is fully absorbed.

Because she cooks this a lot, she can tell at a glance if they're ready or not, you may need to keep an eye on your pan until you've cooked this a couple of times.

Something she loves is do is to soak a few pieces of dried Bay Bolete Mushrooms in warm water, it only takes about ten minutes for them to re-hydrate, then they go with the grains into the hot water. We didn't have any meat tonight, just a dish of Buckwheat grains with Bay Bolete mushrooms, some skinny beans, sliced carrot and half a leek.

There's a goodly amount left over, some will go into an omelette, nothing gets wasted in YumYum HQ and especially not good food.

For 'pudding' there is the smidgenest smidgen of what's left over from Christmas Goaty cheese for her and a grape or two for me.

Life is good.. oh.. heeheehee.. numpty came and said "it's not the heatings fault" .. she looked at him and said "oh really.. well, feel the other radiators which are only on 3 on their dial and explain to me, in simple language, why they're working and this one isn't?"

And, stood beside him whilst he got down onto the floor and had to deal with.. a faulty valve.. which had to be changed. Within three minutes the bottom of this radiator was warm, within six minutes it was the same temperature as the others.

"Thank you" she said, he was 'pretty' embarrassed to say the least, especially as she, whilst he was down on the ground with his nose about five inches away from them, had pointed out that his young sidekicks had not completed the job of painting the pipes, which was why she hadn't replied to the freeholders e:mail asking her if the job had been finished, for in her mind, unpainted pipes and a faulty radiator equalled no, it certainly had not been finished.

It's snug in the bathroom and so too are our tumtums. Buckwheat is another GREAT Winter food.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 7th, 2016.

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