Sunday, 31 January 2016


But it will never be heard 'live' again, for 'The Man from Limerick' has died.

Sir Terry Wogan has died this morning after a short and brave battle with cancer.. he was only 77 and had been working in / with media for a very long time

OI VEY.. She kinda thought he was immortal.. sigh.

He was most amazing radio (and television) man.. a friend and colleague of his was just talking about him on LBC radio and said that it was his ability to be on the tip and top of everything that was happening and his magical ability to amuse, educate and inform his listeners that was extraordinary.

She's sad.. thousands of people will be feeling the same way as they felt he was a friend.. and the charities that he was incredibly involved with will be greatly saddened for all the right reasons.. for who will ever be able to take his place?

Phew.. for when people like him die, the world is, indeed, a duller place.

RIP.. Terry.. our condolences go to his wife Helen and the rest of his family.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 31st, 2016.
PostScript: A 'TOG' stands for a Terry's Old Gal.
The male equivalent was a Terry's Old Geezer.

Please Miss, may she change dorms?

She is turning into a pest, I know I'm a pest 'cos I take my clothes off but she, Dear Readers, has now developed a sleeping problem and keeps me awake at night. I went to bed on the dot of nine o'clock last night as I was sleepy and quite tired.

She, on the other hand, now wanted to read all manner of written words, numerous newspapers, articles on the web, recipes.. recipes! Why then? Was she planning on cooking these things in the dead of night? Electronic letters from friends to which she tapped replies. You get the picture, there was this hive of activity happening not five feet away from my bed.

So I am, therefore, wanting to strike a deal. Otherwise I want her to go and sleep in the sitting room. Why should I move rooms? My bed is in an especially created space between two large wall units, hers is just a bed, so she could go and sleep on the bed that BUB sleeps on.

But why should it have to be me that strikes a deal with her when she is the one displaying these pestilential behavioural patterns?

Huh.. oh well. Let's crack on with today's news.

Egg, sunflower seeds, hummus with palm nut oil, crusty rye bread.. burp.. are all a great way to start the day and she brought home two mandarin boxes yesterday.. yes.. two! One has our mandarins in it and Karen gave her another, especially for me. Beaky, that famous destroyer of all things carboardy, will be having a grand time later on today!

She's a thoroughly 'nice' woman Karen and is looking twenty years younger now that her ex husband has left London and she's working for someone else - without all the problems that he used to pile upon her shoulders. In the late summer after Jasmine's baby (her grandchild) has been born and the baby is a couple of months old, she's going back to work as a local community nurse.

It's wet and dismal this morning, she's got to wash her hair, get to the Farmer's Market and on the way home, she'll be flashing her membership at the V&A and going to see an exhibition.

So she's off to start her day, me? Tumtum is happy, I'm quite content to be perched up high upon my bedroom pole, and LBC 97.3 is on for my entertainment.

I am also slightly damp! She read an article yesterday from a Parrot breeder who recommended spraying parrots that pluck their feathers with a very mild solution of water & pure apple vinegar.

I can tell you that it works! Ugh! For it is stopping me even thinking about 'nibbling' a feather, I guess it is like Bitter Aloes for children that chew their finger nails, plus, of course, who wants to pluck a damp feather?

So with the happy tune of 'Farewell, Adieu, Auf Wiedersein, Goodbye' ringing out from the top of our bedroom cupboard.. we wish you Farewell.. adieu.. but before she stops tapping, we do want to say "Thank you" to four of our very Dear Readers, Bob, Josephine, Pegeen and Rosamund, they've written emails recently saying that they enjoy reading my blog. HOW nice was that? Very.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 31st, 2016.
PostScript: Dorms is an abbreviation of dormitory, aka a sleeping place.
Usually a large, unheated room full of beds with thin mattresses on a wire frame, two blankets, an eiderdown (if you were lucky, thank goodness she was as Constance (her mother) had also been at boarding school) and no curtains.
Consider yourself extremely fortunate if you didn't ever experience sleeping in such a place.

Saturday, 30 January 2016


Gulp.. I know you gulped, don't tell porky pies.. lies.. and I know you're all wondering 'How.. what", it's all right, I know she isn't but you haven't seen how many oranges she's consuming in a day, let alone all the easy-peel ones, aka clementines & mandarines.

Off she went to the North End Road street market where there's a man who always has the biggest, the juiciest oranges at seven or even sometimes eight for a quid.. market talk for a £1.00. He had them at eight for a pound because it was so late by the time she got there, she took £2.00's worth, he also had eight, not quite ripe, persimmon at the same price and a box of clementines, over thirty to a box, for £1.50p!

What a good thing she took WW! For she was able to take advantantage of these wonderful prices and now we can eat citrus fruit all day long.. for several days!

Cauliflowers, carrots, onions and a cabbage also plopped into WW's basket and as she was ambling along to have a natter with Karen, who is working for a few weeks with Michele on another fruit and veg stall, she saw a very chic head, the hair was very distinctive, steel grey and upon the hair was a felt hat in very smart dark burgandy, she thought "I know that hair, it is belongs to Diana Warburton" and quickened her step to come up level with the woman.

And it was, so she said "Diana", the woman stopped and said "Goodness me, it IS you, I saw you in this Beanie a couple of weeks go and didn't know if it was you or not".. goodness me indeed for they haven't seen each other for probably twenty four years, she's a wonderful artist, classically trained in Florence and here.

They were both in a hurry to finish their shopping so mama gave her a card and off they both trotted in diferent directions to finish their swag searching. Who knows if she'll call us but it was pleasant just to chat and to know that all is well with her and her son, who reached the dizzy age of forty eight two days ago!

And we also chatted, or rather my mum did, with BUB this morning, he warned us about the change which has alredy started and which will affect the UK, Ireland and the West Country dramatically, the Gulf Stream and the Jet Stream are twisting lightly and a foot of snow is expected to fall on the Isle of Man this coming Thursday, February 4th, and temperatures are set to plummet!

Ugh.. so she's decided that as I am stressed and it will be cold, that she is not going to drag me about in my travelling cage when she goes to stay with Pete and Michele, I'll go to my usual place of jail, aka prison, where I'll be warm and snug and not subjected to having to travel in my small cage.

But heads up.. for it was still light at half past four! Eureka.. the days ARE getting longer, soon it will be light until five and if it got just a degree or two warmer, she'd start gardening.. steady girl!

Tomorrow she'll meet Debbie Goat at Parsons Green, chew the fat.. as in natter, find out how their 'holiday' up in London was, along with their trip to see Cirque de Soleil, get beetroot from Ted's Veg, for we do so love those golden beety-rooties!

And then on Monday, teehee, she's going to get on those scales again! But she is not fearful, there haven't been any secret raids on any Lebanese Bakeries, well, none that I know of. But she does have to look the other way when she goes to get tahini, for there's a man doing those flat breads full of slurpy things and she, literally, has to walk past him.

So there you are folks.. watch out for an extreme change in the weather coming in from the Atlantic, do please try the find the article in the NewYork Times, January 28th, 2016 called 'What do Parrots know about PTSD" and see if you can find a charming UTube video about a Crow called Walter in Ottawa.. it's enchanting and we thank Joe, who lives in Ottawa, very much for sending us the link this morning.

That's all my news for today, I've got things to chew, seeds to eat plus a slice or two of orange are now awaiting Beaky's attention.. so I'll say PipPip to you all.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 30th, 2016.

Poor pillow, it wasn't the pillows' fault she had been reading the New York Times late at night and come across the article called 'What does a Parrot know about PTSD?'

Yes, poor pillow, it got thumped many times last night because she couldn't get to sleep. And why? It was her own fault because she'd been reading the NY Times newspaper on line, as you do (but really shouldn't do so late at night 'cos your brain goes into active mode).

She had come across an extraordinary article about Parrots and US veterans and PTSD. Written by Charles Siebert on January 28th, 2016, we urge you, Dear Readers, to find and read this article. It is a sad but wonderful story.

But it didn't make her happy about her decision not to offer that four year old African Grey a home.. subsquently, she tossed and turned all night long, if I'd been that pillow, I'd left the bed without even saying 'Adios amigo'.. I'd have 'slipped out the back Jack', for, after all, there more than 'Fifty Ways to Leave a Lover', are there not?

We woke up late this morning, it was past ten of the morning clock. I'm extremely sleepy and she's definitely not fully awake for she only boiled herself one egg! See, there's the proof all's not well in the 'woodshed', aka her brain.

We have NO idea what sort of day it is out there but she has to go out as we've only got one orange left! I had never even seen an orange until about ten days ago. Yes, clementines and tangerines have always appeared at Christmas times but oranges? I thought "that's a very fat clementine" and then she gave me a piece (with no membrane in sight, see how well trained she is.. it took a few years but she's finally there) and yum, what a great taste!

But she eats three a day and there are no tangerines or clementines left at all, thank goodness for our local fruit and vegetable market! Yes, it's Winter folks, they're all in season and talking of seasons and oranges, do you know what are in season RIGHT now?

Ole! That should give you a clue. The Seville, aka Bitter, Oranges are in town. Yes, it's home-made MARMALADE making time! Beg or steal jam jars and please make your own, for it is the very BEST stuff to eat, with a slice (or two) of rye sourdough toast, a muffin or a crumpet. And have you ever tried to make Lemon or Lime Marmalade? They're also slurpicious.

And talking of Rye Sourdough bread, she came home yesterday, by way of Apple in Covent Garden, with a very fat, lubbly-jubbly loaf from Borough Market, it is huge! There's a trick to Sourdough loaves, you cut them in half, then into a quarter and you keep the bread wrapped up in a linen cloth.

Yes, it hardens but it doesn't sweat or go bad, the one she bought a week ago is now rock hard but I love it and of course, it is brilliant dunked into soup or a stew, which is how she finished it off last night.. you should NEVER waste good bread. Breadcrumbs.. Bird food.. don't just 'bin' it.

Ok, now let's start our day! We broken our fast, she's mended my perch which had slipped off its' holder, has vacuumed away empty seeds, changed my water, given me water into which I know she's slipped all manner of herbal tinctures. I 'pretend' not to like this, but she knows that I don't really mind it all.

For she knows that if I REALLY minded, there's no chance I'd sit on her knee whilst she empties a plastic syringe into Beaky, huh, she wouldn't have a thumb left if I didn't like it AND she knows it, which is why she kisses Beaky, strokes my head and tells me "you're such a good girl", 'cos I am.

And you, Dear Readers, are very good readers. I wish I knew how people in far-away places know about my blog, for there are people in South Korea, Vietnam, Ukraine, Brazil and South Africa reading it today but we don't know anyone there, are you people who are travelling? Did a friend tell you about GeeGee Parrot's Blog? We welcome you all, wherever you are.

And.. Reasons to be Chirpful: We have some food in chilly white larder, some dry stores, clean water in our tap, electricity at press of switch, LOVELY FRIENDS.. a little bit of money in bank, dry bed. Do you take these things for granted, we hope not?

GeeGee Parrot.
January 30th, 2016.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Today's Constance & Bill's birthday and we can't give this African Grey a home.. sigh.

January 29th.. it still seems 'strange' not to be calling these two people today to wish them a "Happy Birthday".. but she wishes it to them in thought, who knows what they're up to but we are sure that it will be some degree of naughtyness.

Yesterday the sky was as blue as a linen dress, today, it was dirty white and greed got her dressed and out of the door, there was only just enough Kefir for tomorrow and so she had sent Joe, who was at Borough, a text asking him to save her 2 x 2 pints of goaty milk.

I regret to say, that this 'ere iPad has been behaving in an extrordinarily delinquent fashion for about three days. Asking her constantly to 'log in' even to write a post, hello, it's our blog! Why should we have to log in to write on it?

So after being at Borough, where Joe did all manner of sneaky things to her iPad that she had NO idea you could do, she came home via the Apple store at Covent Garden. This is MUCH the nicest and most helpful Apple store in London. She saw a guy who said "Not your fault, Safari has been crashing for the past three days but we've fixed it, you should be ok now" and she was.

So here we are, up and running again! She tried to post before going to Borough but Safari wouldn't even open.. boring.

And now onto something completely different..

You all know that I have been in Jail for taking my clothes off.. well, at least it wasn't in public like some of these 'celebrities' do but my nice vets, after taking COPIOUS amounts of my precious blood, have pronounced me to be healthy and not-hormonal (What's that), they've blamed it on the builders and my tantrum about being shut the wrong side of the bedroom door.

Huh.. you just wait till I see that vet again, Beaky is under strict instructions to give one of his fingers a quick crunch, fancy implying that I'm a spoilt brat, whatever next?

Anyway, yesterday a dear friend alerted her that a mutual friend is looking for a new home for a four year old African Grey Parrot who needs to have a new family to live with, we don't know what sex this bird is, it is the age that Darling Dagga Parrot was when she first took him in, yes, Darling Dagga was a 'Rescue Parrot'.

Today she telephoned my vet and asked him what he thought about us taking in another African Grey parrot and he vetoed it immediately because as he said "GeeGee is eleven and a half, she has lived all her life just on a 1-2-1 basis with you.

And she was stressed by something which has caused this very severe plucking behaviour, it wouldn't be fair to her or the other bird, she'd have her beak out of joint within a day because, with the new bird, with whom you'd have to spend a lot of time, and GeeGee would get fretful and be jealous".

So there's this poor Grey birdy.. it makes her heart very sad that we cannot give it a good home, I MIGHT be ok with it but then, I might NOT be.

Sometimes you can't do things that you want to do and this is one of them. For if we took the bird and mama bonded with it but I didn't, gulp, well, that would be truly gruesome, wouldn't it?


GeeGee Parrot.
January 29th, 2016.

Thursday, 28 January 2016


She has had a sore eye, her left, for a day and a half, so her trip to the city was to A&E at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Slipping underground, she caught a fast tube going to Kings Cross St. Pancras, then hopped two stops on a southbound Northern line train to Old Street.

And followed the Green Line.. which takes you up the stairs to street level and all the way to A&E. She spoke to the desk who looked a bit startled that she was coming again to A&E as she already been through their system back in May and has a hospital number.

She was seen very quickly by a competent and pleasant Triage Nurse, who pointed her in another direction and was then seen by an eye doctor. Who said "But why are you HERE in A&E when you're in our system already?"

She replied "Yes, I know I am in your system and when Doctor Harry saw me back in May, he got me an appointment at a clinic, which was then put back a month and then I got a letter saying that the clinic was closing, I called and spoke to someone in appointments.. rustle rustle whilst she found her notes.. a Mrs. So&So, who said that there was nothing in place for me to have another appointment".

He sat there with his mouth open.. because, of course, by now he had her medical notes up on the screen and, Dear Readers, he growled, yes, growled and said "There is a large note on your records that you should be seen every three months in the Glaucoma clinic, it is not your fault, because you didn't have any pain so you thought all was well but you don't necessarily have pain with Glaucoma. I will get you into a clinic as soon as possible and will speak to Mrs. So&So, actually NO, I'll let the Professor do that himself, as he won't be 'happy' about this in the slightest".

He gave her drops for the sore eye and told her to bathe both eyelids in hot water twice a day.

She came out at 17.03.. in and out in less than two hours.. such a great place.. except, of course, for that silly numpty Mrs. So&So in Appointments, he was extremely cross about this woman's stupidity and I reckon she won't be doing anything 'careless' like this again in a hurry.

Home via the tube which was a bit of a squash, ugh and it wasn't even rush-hour! Home to me and a big bowl of homemade chicken soup with noodles, very slurpy food. I had my usual suspects and a chunk of Gruff cheese, we love Gruff and what was a bit too dry for her, was just perfect for me.

Her eye is less sore, he said "the pressure is back up again in both eyes, you must wear glasses for reading, tapping iPads etc, etc, do the bathing and keep taking the drops.. "

So here we are but apart from all that excitement, what an amazingly glorious afternoon it was, the sky was a blue as a linen dress and the smaller of our Star Magnolia trees is covered in blossom, the taller one is 'thinking' about opening her petals, it's sweet how the little tree is much braver!

Sunshine and flowers were God's gifts to her today, on a January day you can't beat that, can you?

GeeGee Parrot.
January 28th, 2016.


The peculiar virtual world of FaceBook and Linked In and other sites too numerous to mention is very strange. You may want to be 'friends' with lots of people whom you have never met, let alone ever spoken or talked to but we don't. We have a few, very charming friends, sadly they are scattered around the world and some we haven't seen for many a year.

But we keep in contact via E:Mail and Snail:Mail and a good old natter on the telephone goes a long way. But why would you want to exchange your private life with strangers? We don't 'get' it!

So it always makes us curious when we get an invitation form someone to accept them as a contact on Linked-In. There's a very persistant woman who tries at least once a week to get us to put her on our list of people, why? We haven't got the faintest clue!

She's 'frightfully' well-connected, very wealthy but my mama has never met her, the stranger doesn't do anything that my mama does or has ever done, so why does she insist on badgering us? Sadly, there's no button to tap that says "Leave me alone", all there is a thing that says "Accept" And guess what, we don't want to 'accept'.

Anyway.. there we are, there are people who think everyone should 'know' everyone.. joke!

She's going into hospital for an operation! Gulp!! The landline rang very early this morning as she was getting up, there is no ansaphone on this device and whoever it was obviously wanted to speak to her.. they kept on ringing dat bell, now you know how I learnt it.

And when she, finally, answered it, she discovered it to be the smiley secretary of one of her team of specialists saying "One of our other patients has had to cancel their operation date, we've got the team and the time, would it suit you?"

You don't mess about with your health, she has to have this done and it is being done by the surgeon who has operated on her before, albeit eight years ago. So "yes please" was her prompt response.

Having had many operations and been in hospitals for very scary things, going into hospital for a small operation doesn't scare her in the slightest.. what she doesn't like.. and you should know what I'm going to say before you read it.. is the 'NIL BY MOUTH' bit!

Dreadful.. it's bad enough having to get out of bed in the pitch dark, wash and dress, feed me and then stumble off down into the Underground to get to the hospital but to do that without a mug of LapySang or a cup of Strong Black and on an empty tumtum.. huh, rather her than me, is what I say.

But it isn't dark now, in fact, it is quite cheerful for a change. Thank goodness the sky is no longer that black'ish colour that it was when she came home yesterday, it had been a dull day with a sky the colour of pale to mid grey and drizzling but at about three o'clock, the colour changed to black and torrents of cold rain bucketed down.

She was coming home from the bus stop with WW, silly WW loves the rain, well, he is made out of Willow so he would, wouldn't he but as she told Michele, who had called and left a message on her mobile whilst she was walking home, it was truly gruesome, far too windy for an umbrella, thank goodness she had a long scarf wrapped over her head and around her neck and was wearing a long raincoat but who really saved the day.. was Beanie!

Dear Pat, maker and giver of Beanie, is going to get such a hug on Monday, for Beanie, pulled down low on her head over the scarf, kept her head dry and warm. Beanie lives on the top of WW's handle so is air dried every night and ready to go at all times. She has never had one before and cannot think how she ever survived without one!

But now she's got to go out to the city, I'm off for a doze in my new favourite spot, a pole between two lots of lampshade frames up high on a cupboard in our bedroom and we'll be back again later.

We do hope you have entered into your favourite Search Engine 'The benefits of eating Asparagus', for there is a huge amount of information on the web about this vegetable and NONE of the info is of a negative nature.


GeeGee Parrot.
January 28th, 2016.

Don't be such a wimp.. eat Asparagus.

Do you eat asparagus? If not, why not? Because it is reallyreally good for you. It isn't fattening, what is fattening, is the stuff you load on to it, like the half a pound of butter or the hollandaise sauce which you drown it in!

We drizzle a tiny bit of very good olive oil on our spears and eat it with chilli, crushed salt and lots of black pepper, this year, if we have any left, we will grind our new favourite spice onto it.. szechuan pepper that will suit asparagus wonderfully!

A lot of people don't eat asparagus because it can make your urine smell rather strong, but we eat so much of it for six weeks when it grows on the allotment, that after the first time, it doesn't do that but yes, she does agree that the first morning after we've eaten it, 'something' is in the air!

However, have you ever wondered what makes it do that? Read on, Dear Readers, read on. It does this peculiar thing because it is busy at work in your system.. cleansing and detoxifying.

This information has been obtained from The US Cancer News Journal issue December 1979. Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S was a man who discovered that asparagus might help cure / eliminate cancer. And he was talking of several different types of cancer and his report says..

'I was not surprised at this result as 'The elements of 'Materia Medica' edited in 1854 by a professor at the University of Pennsylbania, stated that Asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments in 1793 on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones.

For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before eating. Fresh or canned asparagus can be used, a biochemist, who worked with Mr. Vensal lives in the USA and corresponded with Giant and Stokely, the two leading canners of the vegetable was satisfied that these two brands contained no chemicals.

Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree. Store in the refridgerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.

Patients usually show some improvement in 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosages is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and maybe needed in some cases.

Asparagus contains a good supply of Histones, which are believed to be active in controlling Cell Growth, for that reason, I believe asparagus be be said to contain a substance that I will call Cell Growth Normaliser. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic. In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus, used as we suggest, is a harmless substance.

The FDA cannot stop you from using it and it may do you much good and it has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing Glutathione, which is considered to be one of the body's most potent anti-carcinogens and antioxidants.'..

And now I am back here with you.. Moi.. aka GeeGee.

Just in case you are wondering, Dear Readers, why more about this has not been made public.. I am going to say or rather write something that may shock or alarm you but that which in my mind is truthful, and that is..

That there is absolutely no profit in curing cancer..

Dr. Max Gerson was given a dreadful time by the American Medical Association for using alternative (non drug) methods on some of his cancer patients with some astonishing results.

Do you know the two biggest sources of money earners for the American and the UK Government?

Drugs and Armaments.. does that surprise you? Think about it.. it ain't a happy thought, is it?

Dear Readers, are you aware of the amount of people are employed by the Cancer Industry. Of how many billions of dollars and pounds are generated by this disease. I am not saying that Asparagus WILL cure every cancer but I am sure that there have been things that have been 'knocked on the head' and their trials discontinued because, whatever it was, was too good for its' own good.

Ah well, we love it.. both of us.. we eat all of it, she gets the spear shaped end and I prefer the tougher bit.. it is very crunchy and tasty and I can and do, give it a good Beaking.

I am off to bed.. whoops.. rushrush.. it is almost half past the hour of nine, I'm late!

GeeGee Parrot.
January 27th, 2016.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Sorry folks, this will be one of the shortest posts ever!

I know I said we'd get back to you with a post giving you the information about asparagus that Granny Jo sent us this morning but it is now too late and there's too much information just to give it to you in a small post, so it will come to you tomorrow.

Sorry about that.. pippip.. I'm off to bed, it's part of our new routine, we now go to bed at a 'sensible' hour.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 26th, 2016.


Crikey.. it's mighty dismal out there in deepest Knightsbridge folks! But it is nothing to what they are experiencing further up north in the UK. That wicked storm Jonas has arrived on our shores, not in the form of snow but in form of water and huge amounts of rain and strong winds are again soaking the northern and western parts of these British Isles. Poor old BUB will be getting it too, for he lives on an island in the middle of the Irish Sea.

She had an appointment in the early afternoon and stuff to do, I was mighty glad to be able to pull my invalid card and didn't even think of going into the hall, for although it is much warmer, because she cannot draw the door bolts when she goes out, there is, if the wind is from the west, a strong breeze that comes whistling under the front door and up my backside.

Off she and old WW went into the wet and dismal so-called daylight which wasn't very light at all, dreary stuff these rainy days, there will be no weeding done for ages if the weather continues to be like this, that's for sure.

But she saw two things that gave her such pleasure and I wish that she had had the sense to take a photograph of them both.

In Draycott Avenue underneath Nell Gwynn House, there is a garage, they specialise in Bentleys and Rolls Royce motor cars. She took a short cut and wow, she was glad she did, for there, right in front of her, was an amazing motor car.

It was long. very long.. heaven's only knows how many horse power were sitting under its bonnet, the engine was purring, it was British Racing Green and painted on the driver's door panel was a Union Jack, the British flag.

She crossed over the road and said to the man sitting in the car.. "Lordy, how glorious is this, what vintage is she, why the flag, was she raced at all, I bet whoever owns her loves her", the man smiled and said "she's a 1934 model and yes, she raced, her owner does love her very much and so do we for we've looked after her for a very long time but you get a bit damp in her on a day like today".

And she went on her way.. thinking of how glorious the old style Bentleys and Rolls Royces used to be, now they're both just huge clumpy cars with VERY little grace.

On her way back from her appointment, she got new books from the library and walked home.. 'oh, look.. how wonderful, so there will be a Spring..'  and there in front of her, Dear Readers, was a beautiful, not very tall Star Magnolia tree just coming into bloom.. with such beautiful blossoms.

The promise of Spring.. and what a happy thought THAT is on a cold wet windy day.. I'm not quite up to destroying cardboard.. but I 'deigned' to eat some of my yumyum and we are settled in for the night, it is far too wet and miserable out there to be anywhere else but tucked up snug as bugs at home.

I hope you are too?

GeeGee Parrot.
January 26th, 2016.

Lots of 'stuff' to tell you but old 'Tapper' has to go out and despite having had a clawicure, I still can't tap the iPad..

Clawicure is what I guess you humans would call a manicure. Sorry folks, she has to go out, I'll sit here and think about my next post, for we have very important information to pass onto you about Sparrow's Grass, more generally known as Asparagus.

Granny Jo sent her an interesting article this morning about the benefits of this wonderful vegetable, she has a big thirteen sq foot asparagus bed at the allotment, well, she did have but it was last seen to be covered in nasty weeds and as it is either pouring with icy rain or freezing out at the allotments, I don't see it being weeded for the next couple of weeks.

It is a vegetable that we both love, so she'd better do it or those filthy greedy weeds will strangle our beloved plants, nick the nutrients in the soil and we won't have any to pick in April / May! That'll be a great pity as shop bought vegetables, and especially asparagus, are never the same as ones you grow yourself.

Anyway, she's got to go, I've checked the temperature of the hall, it's not that warm and so I'm staying perched up high in our bedroom and will leave it up to her to cope with the big outside world.

There are some advantages about being an 'invalid'.. chirp.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 26th, 2016.

Monday, 25 January 2016

She's LOST 2.5 lbs, as she didn't sidle off to Uxbridge Road and partake of yummy yumyum, she would have been mighty miffed if she had gained even an ounce!

But she didn't and a loss of 2.5 lbs brings her down to 9 stone, 13.5 lbs (139.5 lbs). Which goes to show that you can lose weight even after having eaten Ossie's delicious food!

Years ago, she had a recipe for a beef stew that had Worcestershire sauce and an anchovy in it, do you think she could remember where she learnt it.. fat chance. Then she recalled that she had learnt it from Paulette, the maker of those glorious 'Gateau de Pommes de Terre Savoyard', but our darling Paulette is cooking up in God's Kitchen now and goodness knows what hapened to her recipe books.

This last weekend, she has spent the time since I arrived home very much with me.. we've cooked together, read papers and books together and cuddled on our bed. And it was when she was reading emails yesterday that she came across a new post from a great food blog.  

And there is, on this Blog, a recipe which is almost identical to Paulette's stew but theirs is called 'All American Stew' recipe.

So, having weighed in, stayed for the group and chatted to Pat, whose youngest grand-daughter is missing her father desperately, he died just after Christmas, she went down the North End Road to our lubbly-jubbly butchers and bought two large pieces of shin, a cut of beef that suits slow cooking.. stewing.. perfectly and a boiling fowl with which to make a large amount of chicken stock.

A roasting bird never comes with the feet, the head or the gizzards and to make reallyreally great stock you do need a boiling fowl which comes as a complete bird. The butcher will chop it for you but you must make sure he puts all the pieces into your bag!

Our Lebanese friend's brother is extremely unwell at home, she said she'd make this and take it up to him tomorrow, poor man.. nothing worse than being ill and feeling gruesome at the same time!

So we've two large pots going, a BIG stock pot with the boiling fowl and an old oval pot full of the beef stew. I had a few pieces of the raw beef, it's scrumptious, shin is a much under rated cut of beef.

Go and find the recipe.. it is a slightly different way of cooking meat and this is what ties it to our darling Paulette's recipe, she never cut her stewing meat up first but browned the whole piece, read it and try it, it is fabulous and especially if you leave it for a day or two

Which is what we plan to do, we'll eat this on Wednesday, today we had a pork chop and vegetables for our late lunch, rather, that was what she had and of which, I also had a fair bit! I also had four slurps of kefir, some sauerkraut, the rest of this morning's egg and some of her homemade hummus.

So I am good to go! Plus she gave me some vitamins by mouth.. whether I wanted them or not!.. I ain't complaining folks, it's not every child - animal or human - whose mother is so diligent about their diet.. she also brought me a small cardboard box.. especially for Beaky.. to destroy.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 25, 2016.

Sunday, 24 January 2016


Ok, well not a lot of housework got done around here today, for I confess I played the 'invalid' card. This meant we spent a huge amount of time in YumYum HQ where she concocted all manner of delicious things with which to tempt Beaky.

She'd eaten a chicken, so there was that carcass plus a bag of bones from the frosty larder, they went into a big pan with carrots, hamburg parsley, several cloves of garlic, herbs, brought to the boil, then simmered for a good length of time to make delicious stock.

She'd soaked dried chickpeas for two days, today she boiled them with a minute amount of baking soda for an hour and a half. Then taking a whiz machine, she added a can of borlotti beans, fresh garlic, some of the water the chickpeas cooked in and made a stiff puree, a tablespoonful of tahini was added and two carrots from the chicken stock were mashed in along with a dessert spoonful of palmnut oil.

This, Dear Readers, is the new highly nutricious form of hummus that she's dreamt up for me. She made three large tubs of this which were put in chilly white larder and it'll be my morning yumyum mixed with a tiny bit of hot water to take the chill off the mix together with a soft boiled egg.

For our late lunch we had grilled salmon fillets, steamed beans and carrots from the stock, she had a cupful of the hot stock, I sniffed it but chose to have a slurp of kefir instead.

Whilst she cleaned up, I went to sit on front door pole.. what a difference! There was no cold draught up my bum.. which is more than a trifle bare at the moment.. I flew back to YumYum HQ's door and squeaked at her.. she came out and told me what happened.

For months, and I really do mean months, she's passed by this piece of hard plastic, a big piece of plastic that someone used for double glazing a window, it was put on the street as rubbish but not taken by the rubbish men as it is NOT rubbish! If you are still with me.. smile.

And on her way home from L'Oreal and passing it again, she thought 'I wonder if that would fit or be the same size as our glass front door panel', so picked it up and brought it home.

And guess what! It is exactly an inch longer than our glass panel but the same width! She put it into the bath, hosed it down with hot water, dried it off and slipped it against our glass panel and put a few tiny nails into the door to keep it in place. The difference was immediate and simply staggering!

A double glazed front door means our hall is warmer! And this can only be a good thing as I'll not be confined to our bedroom, well, I hope I won't. And, she, after speaking with a lovely herbalist friend, has started giving me a few drops tincture of nettle and dandelion in my water, they're high in iron and calcium, to help my poor, poor feathers to grow strong and healthy.

I look very funny (peculiar) with my practically bald legs, my bald tumtum and damaged shoulder blades.. she found photos of me when I was no more than six months old fully feathered up on an old laptop today. She said "Oh dear GeeGee.. oh dear!" I, too, thought oh dear, Dear Readers, for I have inflicted a tremendous amount of damage and now have to have this gruesome collar, sigh.

But with her on my case, I know it will get better, as long as I can be persuaded to forget the habit of a nibble here and a little nibble there but supposing Jasper's dad said "shall we meet?" OMG, I'd be mortified! I wonder if she'll be mortified or happy at 13.00 hours tomorrow! It's Monday.. aka scale weigh-in day.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 24th, 2016.

I must admit she's doing her best.. plenty of delicious yumyum & drinks.

But.. there's this wretched collar around my neck! And, you know mothers, as I am sure you had one yourself and they stick in their ways and mine, the silly woman, listens to Matthew, my vet, instead of me and I fear this collar will be on me for some time.

Therefore, I am taking the view that I'll take each day as it comes for to think about two months down the line, well, that certainly would depress moi!

She telephoned BUB yesterday evening, he's got FLU! Ugh, how sad 'cos a proper flu is a nasty virus, you don't get flu from being cold, some stupid person gives you the virus and so she's pretty careful about using anti-viral things in the form of spices and essential oils to keep our home (and us) free of these sneaky things.

This week we are going to BLOW open a scandalous racket being pulled by a company in South Molton Street, London W1.. the company blurb and the sales assistants say that they're an Israeli company and only use the purest ingredients in their products.. what utter dudu!

BUB dug about a bit and found all manner of things which I am sure the compamy would rather the public didn't know about, like a list of their ingredients, Petroleum Jelly being one, which some people are highly allergic to and the level of extortionate price marks up on their soap!

Ooh, we do like a good investgative job and BUB has done us proud! "Thanks Bub".

However, we'd thank him more if he slipped a slice or two of that Lemon & Lime Drizzle Cake he's just made into the post.. but she has to lose 4.5lbs to get back to 9.11.5lbs which she was two weeks ago, perhaps she had better NOT eat Lemon & Lime Drizzle Cake.. or any other cake!

Today is Sunday and we are spending it quietly at home. Her cohort in Dumpling-Eating is off doing another market and it's no fun just slurping a bowl of them by yourself, so she isn't going up to Marylebone, she'll stay with me and we'll do housework, or rather, she'll do it and I'll aid and abet from above.

It is extremely good to be home and "thank you all very much" for your emails that you sent showing your concern about my well-being, I am mighty touched.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 24th, 2016.

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Huh.. an unposted post.. Huh. Is she stupid or what? What, Dear Readers, is the point in writing a post but not posting it, eh?

Yes, it is me.. I.. GeeGee.. myself. And, whilst I am saying how silly she is.. for example, she's so daft she actually wrote about having supper with Leigh, Ossie and Otto without me last night! Did she think I wouldn't read the posts she'd written? Really, mothers, who'd 'ave 'em!

Anyway, back to MOI as Miss Piggy would say.. for this is MY BLOG.. lest she thinks she can hijack it away from moi. That person whom I always thought was quite pleasant, Matthew Figgis.. who is an incredibly highly qualified vet.. stuck a needle into me to draw blood and expected me to eat bird food, he obviously hadn't registered the fact I like soft boiled eggs and hummus with which to break my night's fast.

It wasn't her fault, I did hear her say to him that was what I have but I didn't get it.. never mind. I am home again.. home again jiggedy-jig. I have no nasty things lurking in my blood or my tumtum, I am NOT hormonal and apparently NOT all Congolese African Grey Parrots females lay eggs!

Unless, of course, they have a delicious 'ToyBoy' called Jasper but he's only six months old and I'm old, for I'll be twelve this July.. sigh.

'Je suis tricky', I'm also a Wooden Monkey, she's a Metal Tiger, in Chinese Astrology we are 'Mortal Enemies' and so, I was, I am sure, sent to her in order for the two of us to learn 'Forgiveness, Kindness, Humility, Patience, Tolerance and others things the name of which I don't know'. I am also a Leo, she is a Cancer.. have you ever seen a lion walking along with a crab?

Not a lot to report.. except I have this plastic collar around my neck, it is screwed together and she says I have to wear it for some time.. ugh.. you know you really can go 'off' people some times, can't you?

But at least, she did have the grace to make me an egg upon our arrival home, we're now in YumYum HQ, I am upon her darkened head.. watching every word she taps out.. she went to L'Oreal after she left me in the East Sheen jail, they have turned her into a dark blonde with low lights and she has her next appointment already booked for Leap Day, aka February 29th, to have other colours 'woven' in.

Our Lebanese friend Myra will be very pleased! For she's been badgering my mum to 'get rid of that pale colour as it makes you look so old' for months and you know what, she's right!

She was at Borough yesterday, so there's another batch of Kefir brewing in the (only) glass jar, she drinks it, I drink it, for we both love Kefir! So here we are.. just the two of us.. I see chickpeas are a'boiling on the stove, a new pot of palm nut oil, some goaty curd, a whole box of tangerines!

Yippee folks.. I'm home...... now, where's some crunchy cardboard?

GeeGee Parrot.
January 23rd, 2016.
PostScript: Oh my goodness me.. I have just realised it is MY Chinese year, the year of the Monkey this year and guess which month it id in this year? January! Is this the answer to my plucking and being somewhat 'strange'?

LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR.. in the New York Times today.

No avian child to take to the bathroom and to cook for means that my last hours of being 'Home Alone' are spent reading papers and it is the NY Times that I am reading this morning.

Apart from the monster storm called Jonas, which has started dumping extraordinarily large aamounts of wet snow all over the Eastern Seaboard, there is an article about a nun's food shopping trip to the Bronx.

The nun in question, Sister Elizabeth Ann, is aged 76 and for thirty five years has, as she calls it, been a beggar, the lowest of the low on a totem pole. Her job as a beggar is to ask, aka beg, several companies for food with which to feed the elderly inhabitants of the Queen of Peace Residence in Queens.

The story is quite remarkable and I urge you all to look for it and to read it and to think.. yes.. think Dear Readers about your food shopping and your cooking.

Have you elderly friends, do you know someone who has less money than yourself and would appreciate a home cooked meal, could or would you split that fat caserole or stew into half and give it to a friend who is not well at the moment?

When where we lived was, shall I say, less cosmopolitan and people actually lived in these flats and houses, instead of them the majority being empty because a foreign buyer has bought it for, shall I say an 'investment', not only did I know everyone in our house but I knew my neighbours and people further up the street, in fact, the neighbour-hood WAS much friendlier.

Robert and Inge, who were both elderly, lived at the top of my house, above me were Peregrine and Yvonne and neither Yvonne or I would have dreamt of going shopping without telephoning Inge to ask if she wanted something and if we made a caserole, some of it always made its' way up the stairs to Flat 4.

No, it wasn't just a one way street, Inge used to make the most divine confectionery.. think Harrods or Fortnums quality.. and she would give us occasionally a beautifully wrapped box of something utterly fabulous.

Likewise with Mrs. G who lived at number 38. She, for years, was an unofficial Grand-Mother to the children who lived locally, she was also an amazing pianist with a full sized, very grand, grand piano in her home, lots of the kids learnt how to play piano with Mrs. G.. "money for teaching children how to do something I love! Whatever next.. get away with you, my dear" was her response if a parent wanted to pay her.

And when she became older it was decided, with her consent, that several of us would 'keep' an eye on her and then one 'child', a writer, whose family had gone to live abroad when their father retired, moved in with Mrs. G.

No rent and no bills were paid but it enable the old lady to be independent but 'cared' for until the last day of her life. Her family, with whom she refused to live up in the wilds of Norfolk, were so grateful and of course they knew the 'child' that lived with their mother, they had grown up with her living three doors away.

And they were more than in agreement with the terms of their mother's will, which was a substancial gift of money to the 'child', for they doubled it and gave her the beautiful watch that Mrs. G had worn every day.

Generosity of spirit.. think upon that phrase if you will, please. Be kind in your dealings with those less fortunate than yourself, give things away that you don't need or want any longer, and think about what you don't want.

Bedding.. instead of taking it to a charity shop who will take it but put it into a rag bag, there are very few Charities that will take bedding.. if you have a spare duvet or blanket, check to make sure that it is clean and give it directly to a homeless person.

On the Kings Road, Chelsea, there are a small group of homeless men who sleep in the same place every night and I was going through the secret stash place, I came across bedding that had been my mothers.. aka Constance.

It was still in the blue bag from the laundry, I whistled up WW and took the whole lot down to the guys. I stood infront of them and explained that I was a local resident, what it was and where it had come from and asked them "would you like it".. they were a bit stunned and then the youngest said "bless you lass, we'd love it, thank you".

Two years later, it makes me smile to see her distinctive duvet neatly folded up and placed in a huge plastic bag, I pass it and the guys probably three times a week. Charity comes in many different forms and begins at home and then should reach outwards.. would a dear friend like to watch a dvd that you've got sitting in a pile somewhere.. how about children's book or clothes that are no longer required.

Pass it along, like all the companies and the guys who donate food to this nun in New York, a bit of kindness, in whichever form you choose to give it, will help to make someone else's life better.

And now I must go to collect 'our' little girl from jail.. wish me luck folks, 'cos we all know that I am going to get an earful!

GeeGee Parrot's mum.
January 23rd, 2016.

Friday, 22 January 2016


As I am picking Madame GeeGee up from jail tomorrow, we all know she's going to give me an extremely nasty time for arranging her incarceration for the two days, plus the injections, plus the plastic collar.. but heaven help me if she finds out that I have just had supper with Leigh, Ossie and Otto in Kew.

She, will, of course, sniff my breath, thank goodness for hydrogen peroxide! So now all trace of that delicious meal of fish pie.. slurp.. parma ham, cheese cake with Mackie's Icecream and goaty cheese will have vanished.. great pity that but it is not worth the ag and naus.. aka grief and aggravation she'd give me.

She is ok, I spoke with the kindly vet's assistant who said they had to feed her manually.. ie by hand with a spoon. Blimy, that bird does know how to get people under her size half foot! She apparently tipped the bowl of Harrison's pellets out of the cage.. she doesn't like them and won't even allow them bowl room in her sight.

She asked me what GeeGee has for breakfast at home.. I replied "soft boiled egg, a dollop of home made hummus, rye toast crusts and either a chunk of apple or a peeled slice of orange.. plus water with vitamins", the girl said "that explains a lot!" and roared with laughter!

I wonder what else they tried to get her to eat! Well, all will be revealed tomorrow at 11.30 in East Sheen when I go to collect my much beloved avian child..

It was most peculiar being here by myself last night.. first, of all, my head was cold.. then, as I had a new scary novel to read, I could do so with the big light one and was able to finish the book without her doing the 'feather rustling act' from behind her curtain and the odd sigh which means 'turn that awful light out and go to sleep'.

Then.. I got the most dreadful shock! Ugh.. you have all gathered that I am quite tall and that I have long legs. Well, I lie quite scrunched up - so would you if you had a marauding parrot on your head or shoulder when you get into bed - and when it come to sleeping time, I tend to lie in the same position.

Do you remember the Bears Nursery Rhyme.. "If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise".. well, last night, I got a reallyreally big surprise, I stretched out and put my feet down into the bottom bit of my bed.. oh, my goodness me.. how awful that was! Ugh.. for what was down there was.. icy cold, ironed sheets, untouched by human feet!

Lordy, my feet came running back up to the middle of the bed squeaking "coldcold down there", they won't do that again in a hurry, in fact certainly not until next summer, that's for sure!

Our girl will be back on her blog tomorrow evening with, doubtless, scary tales of how brave she's had to be, the indignity of wearing this dreaded collar, silly child, if she hadn't plucked her vest off all because I wanted her to stay cosy and warm.

Anyway, she now has to wear it for at least two or three months which means she won't be going to stay with Pete and Michele for his birthday, That is going to cause a lot of ag and naus but it can't be helped.

With best wishes to all of our American Dear Readers and we hope that Jonas causes as little chaos as possible. PipPip.

GeeGee Parrot's mum.
January 22nd, 2016.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Our home is empty without Beaky.. and my head's cold.

Dear Reader, she's in the best place, this was what I told myself as I walked out of the vet's surgery. Who was more unhappy, she who stayed or she who left?

Yes, I am GeeGee's guest writer.. aka her, SWSBO* but seldom is, rattler-of-pans in YumYum HQ, otherwise known as she, mum or mama. I have to say, it is pretty weird, to say the least, to be taping iPad without you-know-whose warm toes perching upon my head and old Beaky peering down over my fringe to make 'quite sure' I don't slip anything in onto her blog that hasn't or wasn't been dictated or approved.

The flat's quiet, my head's cold, there's no little grey face peering up at me, no one nudging the tangerines that are lying on our bed, she did once peel one herself but it took ages and it still had all the white fluff on it, so she rolled that one off the side of the bed and nudged another towards me with the look that quite obviously said "here, you're much better at this than me, you do it".

So I do, however, she eats her slices very slowly and requires the skin or fine membrane to be taken off each segment that I give her. I, meanwhile, apparently gobble mine.. gobble! Who teaches my child such words?

Anyway, they're doing a couple of tests on her, a hormonal one and a blood count to see if she could be lacking anything / something that might be causing any problems.

Alan, was the vet on duty this morning - Matthew, her normal vet, will see her this afternoon - and he asked what she eats, I replied "everything of mine plus bird food, she likes soft boiled eggs, meat, vegetables - raw and steamed and fruit, her favourite being citrus at this moment in time" and handed the vet's assistant a couple of tangerines and explained that the skin has to be taken off the segment, otherwise she'll toss them on the floor.

They smiled and agreed that Greys love meat, she certainly does! Omnivore is the word for 'our' girl, for she eats anything and everything!

Anyway, there she is and here am I, it's lonely without her but I had lots to do after I came home from East Sheen, I have a busy day tomorrow and before I know it, it'll be 11.30am on Saturday morning and I'll be picking GeeGee up from jail, please, will everyone pray that there's nothing 'seriously', or otherwise, wrong with our girl..

She's only a little bird, she weighed 453grams just before Christmas, but she's my girl and I love her.

GeeGee's mum.. aka her.
January 21st, 2016.
PostScript: *SWSBO stands for She Who Should Be Obeyed 


Sorry folks, I'm in jail until midday on Saturday, so I've asked her to keep you up to date with our news and, I hope, a couple of new recipes of dishes that she will practise on how to make whilst I am away.

I know that she's on the hunt for Palm Oil in a jar. African Grey Parrots eat Palm Nuts, we eat then for the oil, which is red. Don't ever buy it in a bottle, it is like Coconut oil.. it is hard, so a bottle is useless as it doesn't, and won't, pour out.

She's going to change from using olive oil to palm oil when she makes my hummus, with pure tahini, oil, garlic and water it's a wondrous thing and we both eat it with much delight.

Anyway, that's where I am.. sigh. But she gave Rebecca three tangerines and explained the membrane has to be removed, otherwise I sling them on the floor.

Wish me luck, they're doing two blood tests as well as fitting the collar.. "bye mum".

GeeGee Parrot.
January 21st, 2016.
PostScript: A Reddy* will be sent to the first person who comments on my blog as to who said "Bye mum" in a very famous film.. no, I ain't giving you no clue. * A Reddy is one of my tail feathers, they're highly prized by a few folks.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

There's a snow storm heading for NYC.. here it's chillbilly but dry with no snow in London.

She went out for hours today, luckily my presence wasn't required, so after giving the odd squeak to make her feel guilty about going out and leaving me with just a mouse for company, I hunkered down on top of a door nearest to a radiator and dozed.

Yes, we have a mouse in the house. I am not surprised as it is cold out there and a self-respecting mouse should be able to work out that staying in a snug flat is a better bet than living outside.

She saw it when she opened YumYum HQ's door when she came back at six of the after-noon clock. But it has a fat, aka zero, chance of finding anything to eat in there as she keeps everything in glass jars or up high in a wall cupboard, unless it is a sophisticated mouse and fancies an orange or an onion?

Talking of oranges, I am mighty taken with all varities of citrus fruit at the moment, especially those 'easy-peel' varities, they're delicious, are they not? I get about two or three segments per fruit, she gobbles her, I take a much long time to eat them, first I bite them to release the juice, then I do my version of an anteaters's tongue.. it makes one piece last for ages.

She said it was bitter out there.. ugh.. thanks a bunch, that makes me 'really' look forward to our trip by tube and bus to East Sheen tomorrow. But at least we haven't got a snow storm heading our way.. not like our friends in New York.

She has experienced a couple of these, the first was in February 1983, her late evening flight into NY from Miami landed just as the first flakes were falling, by the time she woke up in the morning, the city was completely covered in a thick layer of snow and it was .. quiet.. really quiet.

She's got out her big straw basket and will put my travel cage in it tomorrow, it stops the wind getting at me, remember I have not many clothes left and so nobody will know that I'm tucked away in there safe from the cold and any possible thieving thieves.

We are going to have an early night.. she dreamt two very disturbing dreams last night, the first she can't really remember but the second.. oh dear.. it is still incredibly vivid and it was of a dear friend saying "well, I may be officially married but as Susie has left me, bought and moved into a new home with her lover, I don't think I will be for much longer"..

Gosh, she woke up with such a jolt! Ugh, this is a dear man whom she has known for many years and she adores his family, so where did that dream come from? Dreams are most peculiar things, aren't they? She isn't conscious of her dreams, to have awoken twice in the same night from dreaming.. she finds rather curious.

Ah well, she's off to get that slice of cheese and to put her eye drops in, I've had my drops by mouth so am ready to go to bed, gosh, I must be growing up.

Stay safe NYC folks.. we do so hope that this storm isn't another monster like February '83.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 20th, 2016.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


No, it's ok, Dear Readers, I don't need or want you to go and 'sort' this person out.. she's got wet-eyed because of kindness that has been extended to her.

In a very recent post, we wrote that I am going to Matthew, my vet, and will be sedated so that he can fit an avian collar. This is because I have re-plucked my feathers and am now doing it even whilst sitting on my mama's head. I know, sometimes I AM silly.

But the grim truth is not only will the collar be fitted but I will be kept in to be 'under observation'.. gulp. In jail as it were but not my usual comfy place of jaildom but somewhere new, for I have only been to this new place three times for perhaps half an hour and then we've left to come home.. phew!

What happened is that this extraordinarily loving and generous woman friend of ours has sent an email to her about my plucking, asking questions and giving a very valid thought - which was spot on about my age and hormonal change - and this is the wet-eyed bit.. she offered to pay the vet's bill.

We are still speechless with the amount of kindness and generosity but this just proves what she's thought for ages and this extraordinary gesture has just proved she's a special person..

"Darling girl.. we love you and your friendship is beyond value".

GeeGee Parrot.
January 19th, 2016.


What a month.. David Bowie, Alan Rickman and now, Glenn Frey. Three men who have entertained millions of people around the world with their own particular form of magic. For surely acting and music is and are and have to be, magic.

For can you, dear Reader, take words, put them together with musical notes you have put together and entertain people, or can you dress up in clothes with make-up and whilst 'pretending' to be someone else entertain people in a cinema or theatre.

For these three men did and not just once.. but oh, for many many years.

Whilst feeling extremely sorry for David Bowie and Alan Rickman who both died of Cancer. She feels tremendous pity for Glenn, who has died as a result of a combination of complications due to rheumatoid arthritis, colitis and pneumonia.

For she, as you all know, had horrendous digestive 'problems' for many years and had an ulcer in the tube leading to her stomach and is still watched by her 'Hawks'.. aka her Gastro team at the hospital

But for her today.. she who has danced and listened to Bowie's and Eagles music ~ she's a Stones fan but wasn't a Beatles fan ~ for most of her adult life. Well..

It is, as Don McLean sang, "The day the music died".

GeeGee Parrot.
January 19th, 2016.
Postscript: She danced and listened to The Beachboy's.. The Gypsy Kings.. plus others.

Monday, 18 January 2016

The hotel review that made her laugh, even with no photo, she knows the bath will be the design she loathes.

Imagine if you care to, the following sight, you hand over the plastic, aka your credit card, to a charming woman who says "thank you", she takes an imprint of it, just in case you do a runner, somebody takes your luggage and shows you to your bedroom. Where to your absolute astonishment, the bath is beside the bed.

Hello? Where are the rest of the usual occupants of a bathroom? Is the basin on the other side of the bed and is the lavatory tucked away neatly at the bottom of the bed, it might be hidden in a vast armchair and all you, Dear Readers, need to do, is to lift the cushioned lid and sit down.. forgive us whilst she chokes with laughter.

Presumably not, it doesn't tell us in the review, so it must be that the basin, lavatory and shower are in another room, would this be the 'basinroom', seeing as the bath isn't in it?

The source of such amusement is from todays' Evening Standard, page 49, it's the HOTEL REVIEW of a place called THYME, near Cirencester, in Gloucestershire. Where the double rooms start at £260.00 per night.. this price includes breakfast. The review is by Cathy Hawker.

And we knows exactly the sort of bath tub they have used and, oh lordy, she hates these baths with a passion! First of all, you have to be reallyreally long legged (she is) but not everyone has long legs, and so how do they swing their short little legs over those high sides? Then they're quite long, so the baths take a lot of water to get to a decent height, and the water gets cold waiting for this level to be achieved.

And people always stick them in the middle of the room.. ugh.. cold. But this takes the biscuit.. why would you want to be splashing around with your duck or sponge in water in your bedroom?

Huh, I mean, in times long gone by, the reason people had this shaped baths (which weren't plumbed in) on the floor in your bedroom or another room was because you had NO proper bathroom and those times have been gone for at least sixty years.. and this is the cruncher for her.. WHO wants to sleep in a bedroom that is as warm as a bathroom should be?

Thank you but "no, thank you", she likes a cosy bathroom (even large bathrooms can be cosy if properly fitted out), which has heated towel rails positioned very close by to the bath and shower, an extractor fan that whips the steam out of the room so her hair doesn't go dead straight, with 'proper' lighting for make-up and a decent magnifying mirror.

And she likes a proper shower cubicle that has both an overhead system and a hand held one as well.. with a non-slip floor. Proper hard soaps.. none of that dreadful stuff with SLS in it, thank you. Mind you, I don't know why she wants soap as she always travels with her own which doesn't contain this filthy chemical.

Good sized proper bath towels in several different sizes, several flannels, a spare bathmat and a glass. Plus another glass or china mug for her toothbrush.. she's spoilt.. working at the Savoy Hotel for the Savoy Group (as it used to be) did that.

But perhaps 'Thyme' only has long legged people staying, the type of person who want to play with their duck or sponge and chat to the person who is sharing this room and paying from £260.00 per night, is vat at 20% included, I wonder? Probably not but breakfast is.. oh goodie!

I think we'll pass but it's made her laugh.. it's good to laugh on chillybilly days, good really any time.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 18th, 2016.
PostScript: On the Fulham Road there are a couple of bathroom showroom, she passes them at least four times a week and regularly four times a week, she silently squeals with laughter at the thought of poor short-legged folk refusing to admit that, actually, what they really want is a 'proper' bath and not one of these 'fashionable' must-haves! 

And.. the result of not saying "no thank you" to any of those tasty morsels / nuts or treats last week..

Was a gain of 4.5lbs! She suspected it wasn't going to be a joyful occasion (stepping on to the scales) but even she, who knew what had gone down her gullet, was shocked at that amount, so, too, was Katy!

Who made her tell the group exactly what sort of naughty things she had eaten.. "a piece of baklava, LOTS of cheese, several pieces of nougat, a Lebanese wrap full of cheese, onions and spinach, LOTS of different sorts of nuts, three slices of panetone, several pieces of turkish delight, several mugs of hot chocolate, LOTS of full fat milk, a small tub of labneh, lots of olives in oil, a lot of olive oil, lamb chops with the fat, streaky bacon, I can't remember anything else.. thank goodness".

There was a hushed silence.. whilst the group pondered on the list of things that, luckily for them, they had NOT consumed. Only one other person had gained but that was only 1.5lbs.. everyone else had lost, even as little as 8ozs, which is half a lb, is still a loss and they all felt fortunate that they had not been led astray by their nose or their greed.

One lovely woman sitting beside her said "Where have you been to eat and buy such things" and she explained about the trip to Uxbridge Road and Nutcase etc", the woman laughed and said "oh, I know those shops only too well, for I AM Lebanese and live about three minutes walk from Nutcase".

"It is very hard to avoid that food when your family or friends are from that part of the world, we are Christian Lebanese but still.. oh dear, the food".. and the two of them commiserated together. They compared notes and it transpired that she is exactly the weight that mama was when she started nearly seven months ago.

So she'll be back on the routine.. as she is now over 10 stone.. yes, she's 10.2 again. BORING.. for she was, last Monday, down to 9.11.5.. meanwhile, Pat, who had eaten 'sensibly' had lost another lb and has now lost 45 lbs and is looking more wonderful each week!

Doesn't look gaunt or drawn, she 'complained' about her shoes being too wide and that her pants are too big! That got the back row giggling like the naughty girls they really are!

Hey ho.. fiddle-dee-dee.. if it was warmer, she'd venture out more but it's chillybilly and she's not of the mood to prance off round the park, but she'll wire her mouth shut tomorrow.. for Myra has telephoned and invited her to tea. She sounds much better 'but is starved of human laughter, please come for tea and a chat tomorrow", so tea will slip through the wired up mouth but no goodies, well, maybe one.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 18th, 2016.


Is the fancy term of what's happening in YumYum HQ, she was pottering back up the hall after having been in the bathroom and thought "why was that bit of the hall chilly?", then she got back into bed and thought no more about it.

Until she woke up later on and her mouth asked for a mug of LapySang. Out of bed, on with a thick cardigan which zips up and into YumYum HQ, ugh, chillybilly in here, why? Eureka, she realised that it must be extremely cold OUT there and that evil cold air was sneaking in through the extractor fan vent.

And, there isn't anything she can do to stop it! For she has to have this to take smells out and it is there for safety sake as she has a gas cooker, but we must remember to close the door at night.

Poor YumYum HQ, poor kvass, it certainly won't be ready in two or three days, it may take double that length of time and no wonder the kefir took so long to struts its' stuff, for it must be like a giant icebox in there in the wee small hours of the morning.

Morning of weighing-in.. heehee. Actually, I'm not sure why I am laughing, I've got a very sneaky feeling that Madam, aka mama, plans to splash cash and take me to the vet tomorrow.. ugh.

And he'll sedate me (fat lot of good for my hatred of collars is way larger than any form of sedation), fit the collar and I think, she'll leave me there for a couple of days. It's a good thing she's got that rye bread and food in the house as she'll have NO money left after THIS bill from the vet!

And it's all because I do this silly plucking business. I even do it when I'm sitting on her head, that's a bit daft, isn't it? But it's now a compulsion, like people who carry mobiles around in their hands (despite having a bag or a pocket) or their iPads around with them and check it for messages or go onto Facebook every couple of minutes.

But besides all this silly behaviour on my behalf, we slept well, for she's cracked not being able to go to sleep by eating a small slice of cheese just before she goes to sleep.. L-Tryptophan is important.. go off and read about it.

Now, if you're a medic or bio-chemist or something of that ilk, don't bother to squeak and puff your knowledgeable stuff about TDO and IDO's, we know that these two naughty things prevent dietary ingestation of L-Tryptophan from working in some people, particularly the elderly. Well, she's getting to be 'elderly' and it's a known fact that an older body needs essential minerals and other things as well to function properly.

And so, she doesn't care if her brain is 'fooled' by eating this slice of hard cheese and telling her "hush now, quieten down, stop fretting, go to sleeeep", because, for her, it works, she sleeps all the way through most nights until about seven o'clock in the morning and that, Dear Readers, is a good nights' sleep.

Now it's time to flap our arms, to jump about and rush into YumYum HQ to turn on a water-boiling gadget, you'll know it by its' other name.. kettle.. CHIRP!

GeeGee Parrot.
January 18th, 2015.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

We'd happily hibernate when it's cold but we love Winter food too much.

And who would save it for us! But it wouldn't be the same, would it? Just think, if you care to, of an oxtail stew cooked with red wine.. the only water that goes anywhere near one of her oxtail stews is the steam that falls back into the pan off the lid.. of lamb stew cooked with 'scrag'.. aka best end of neck.

Of mashed potatoes with garlic, cauliflower or romanesco brocolli with a rich cheese sauce. Of a splendid rye toast with freshly made seville marmalade.. no, there'll be no hibernating this year.

We'll just have to 'flap' about a bit more to keep warm, which brings me to an extraordinarily funny 'phone-in' she heard this morning on LBC radio. One of the crew were talking about this new ruling about children not being allowed to play the sick card and get excused PE.. physical edication.. aka gym.

She said "and we've got ........ calling in from ...", we listeners were expecting a man's voice but it was a young boy's voice who came on air and with no hesitations or umms or ahhs, he proceeded to tell this woman what he, aged 8, thought about this ruling.. and to finish up his call.

He said "that at my school, owing to the PE teacher being a bit of a 'wimp', the PE class in the winter is cancelled any time it's raining, looks as if it will rain or is windy.. (and this was the best bit) but isn't that silly, for what can you expect, it's WINTER, Winter IS wet and windy".

Aged eight.. she loved it and it made her chuckle all the way down the King's Road to the Farmer's Market where she was dropping off radiators for Joe.

And on Ted's Veg's stall was a big box of mixed Beets! She brought a big bag of both the red and the yellow. Oh, yubba-dubba-doo! And this morning this latest lot of kefir looked to have made her enough whey with which to make a couple of large jars of beet kvass.

But, when she was at the market, she voiced a fear, that she might have done something really stupid and upon coming home and having done a search, to no avail, she's going to kick herself very hard.

For she's given away the pair of large glass jars that she used to make kvass last winter. HOW dumb was that? She now remembers donating them to New Horizons in the early summer and seeing them being carried off by Annie, a lovely woman who has a large family and does lots of cooking.

That'll teach her to be in too much of a hurry when sorting things out, if she had thought about it a bit more she would have remembered kefir.. whey.. making kvass = glass jars needed in winter but she wasn't making kefir at that time and so it didn't register. Pity that.

Never mind, she'll go back to our local, just around the corner, wonderful Italian deli 'La Picena' and ask Anna if she will give save her another couple, for that is where her jars originally came from.

Anyway, there is now a large glass jar of red beet kvass sitting on the work surface, which will do its' magic within two or three days, this means she'll have it by the middle of the week. And Joe will have milk at Borough on Wednesday, she plans to do a week with kefir, followed by a week with kvass and so on and her digestive system will be in seventh heaven.. and so, Dear Readers, will I!

For I get bits of the fermented beet to eat, only just before I go to bed though, for red beets + my very speedy digestive system = red (parrot) puree which is not what you want anywhere, so I'm given it and then put to bed quite shortly afterwards.

I wonder if it's going to snow tonight? She said the sky looked 'very iffy' coming home this afternoon, quite different to Friday which was SO bright and sunny and yesterday, for although the sky was a watery blue, it wasn't glum but it certainly was cold and glum today.

Ugh, she had to go to 'spend a penny' when she was at the market. And the loos are in the children's playground, the building is made out of breezeblocks, they're not heated, she was clad in multiple layers of clothing and got progressively colder and colder as she stripped off.. blimy.. just imagine living in a home with no curtains to keep the cold out!

Thank goodness we don't but she knows homes that are of the modern style with bare floors and no curtains and sometimes even no blinds.. cor.. we'd hate to have their heating bill. For thick, properly interlined curtains can and do save you from a lot of your heating being lost.

The difference when she pulls back the curtain which hangs in front of our front door is astonishing! It is not so bad when we are both inside as there are the original bolts and when they're closed, they force the door into the door frame but if they're not shut and the curtain is open, our hall can drop by several degrees to be much colder.

But.. we are snug as bugs in rugs tonight! And, I've had a toast crust! Yippee.. my first for ages!

It happened like this, she was given a wonderful loaf of rye bread with fruit in it, but knew she'd scoff the lot and gain MULTIPLE lbs instantly, so swapped it for a piece of light rye bread with seeds in it, NOT nearly so yummy but equally delicious and able to be used.. excuse me.. for a bacon sarni.. aka bacon sandwich. Hey, it's her waist-line that we're concerned with, not mine!

So there we are.. and it is Monday.. aka weighing in day.. tomorrow, she expects to have gained a bit but as Katy will say "was it worth it?" and the answer will be "yes", for the Polish meal on Friday with Ann was very scrummy, so, too, was the Lebanese street yumyum yesterday.

And the tasty morsels that have been swallowed over this past week haven't been of gi-normous amounts, so, there's a chance, albeit a very small chance, that she might not have gained any weight.. but don't hold your breath or bet on it!

But we are full of cheer and we hope you are too.. chirpful is our mood.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 17th, 2016.

Saturday, 16 January 2016


All manner of choice and when the Jubilee Line showed itself to be closed between Waterloo and Stanmore, she chose to slightly alter her plans for today.

After getting back onto street level, she telephoned Myra, who sounded really frog-in-the-throat and said "Ugh, you sound rough, are you ok" and after a cough or two, our lovely friend said "I have a very rough, grotty throat and my glands are up, so I'm not up for anything and am staying indoors but if you are going, please would you get me some coffee from Nutcase?"

"Certainly, call him, tell him what you want and I'll pick it up when I get my nuts, mwah mwah, stay warm, drink lots of cinnamon and ginger in hot lemon with honey, I'll see you about 5pm".

And having brought the radiators back home and unloaded WW, she caught a C1 to Shepherd's Bush and walked down the Uxbridge Road.

There was a pale blue watery sky, it was chilly but she was wearing an old and much loved shearling coat, a scarf on her head, cotton tights and fur lined boots and was as warm as hot toast and it was dry, all in all, it was a good day to be out and about.

Nutcase have altered the layout of the shop, the sweet counter is no longer behind you as you face the nuts, she made a small selection and, even looked at the nougat! None of the usual people were there so she chose her favourite nuts and said "I'm collecting Mrs. So&So's coffee, did she call you?".

"Yes, it is ready for you, thank you for taking it to her" and a separate package was handed over for which she offered her card, "no, she's paid for it, please tell her we hope that she feels better soon", she smiled, said that she would and left the store.

And crossed over to Damas Gate.. Oh dear! What has happened? Is it under new management? For nothing she wanted was in stock, there were no barberries, no prunes, no 7 Spice mix, she picked up a bottle of olive oil, paid and left.

And crossed back over the road, why she doesn't know, as she had planned to walk through the Shepherd's Bush Market which is on the same size as Damas Gate. She was pottering along, when suddenly, she smelt something very Ali Baba'ish wafting across her nose and stopped.

Ooh lookielookie, here was 'Foreign Muck' at its' very best. She was standing in front of The Lebanese Bakery @ 350. Uxbridge Road! And, it was lunch time, need I say more?

As she is, at heart, an urchin, she ate in the street, who cares, for everyone is dead who might have clicked their tongue at her and she's sixty five now, so tough dudu. I have no idea what it was called, I'll ask Myra when she's less croaky.

It had spinach, cheese and onions in it, it was folded over and tasted as good as it smelt, she slurped it, wiped her mouth on the paper napkin the man had kindly provided and continued on her search for edible treasures.

And came across a shop which is exactly as Damas Gate USED to be. With all manner of wonderful things without which your, and certainly our, YumYum HQ is not properly stocked. Spices, herbs, black and green olives done at least six or seven different ways, a big tub of labneh (Lebanese cream cheese) which she absolutely adores and a box of her favourite yellow gages.

Tel: 020 8811 1470 / Fax: 020 8811 2540.

And they have a restaurant.. AYAM  ZAMAN which is next door.

It gives UR Supermarket in the North End Road a good run for its' money. But they'll win as very few shops of this nature stock Buckwheat, which she finds strange?

She bought YumYum, chatted with an assistant and left to cross the Uxbridge Road and to go down through the market. Which, Dear Readers, has changed beyond belief! Whereas, it used to be made up of mostly English with a mix of African stalls, it is now Middle Eastern, very few African stall holders and only two English.

She walked through and out at the other end, turned left and then right onto the road that leads to Hammersmith Broadway and caught a 295 bus to Fulham Broadway.

She wanted four lamb chops from Dickinsons, courgettes, beetroots and onions. As she was waiting to be served at the vegetable stall, who should see her and come over squeaking "Happy New Year Doll" but Karen! Whose ex-husband retired so she no longer runs his fruit and veg stall and whom mama hasn't seen since before Christmas.

She was looking better.. still far too 'heavy' but much happier.. "tell me your news" they squeaked at each other, mama said "you first, what's happened, are you ok, oh, you look so much better Karen" and out came all the news.. that..

Jasmine's baby is due in eleven weeks, Karen is going back to nursing, she handed the family home back to the council, they've given her a one bedroom flat in return, her son who lives in Somerset near to Crewkerne bought her a car, she's lost half a stone (7lbs), ex-husband 'really' retired, and, has left London.. thank goodness!

None of this would have happened if she had been with Myra, they would have swished there and back in a fast black, aka a taxi, for Myra hates the cold and hops into taxis like my mama hops onto buses!

She came home via the invalid's house, poor woman, her nose is bright pink, as, too, are her eyes and she looks very poorly indeed, she handed over the coffee bag, into which Myra reached and took out a smaller bag and said "this is for you.. eat them with my love and thanks" and she came home.

The smaller bag contained an assortment of Lebanese YumYum, she'll have a couple with a hot drink tonight and hopefully give me a nut or two.

No, we didn't post the noodles recipe today. We'll give you that when noodley-doodles are on the menu and she's bought herself a small but good piece of beef.

Now what do I want to eat first, an almond, a walnut or a mandarin slice, oh, decisions, decisions.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 16th, 2016.

Friday, 15 January 2016

FRESH GNOCCI & GORGONZOLA.. Are on her list.

Who likes gnocci? Who lkes gorgonzola? Who has ever thought of putting them together? Not her!

She hadn't ever thought of doing that but it was suggested to her the other day and as she's going to be in Borough Market tomorrow morning before she plunders Damas Gate with Myra in the afternoon, she'll get some of this famous and delicious cheese from Jumi Cheese.

You need to buy:

500g of Gnocchi - for 4 people.
3 tbs of Olive Ol.
1 Garlic clove, crushed, then chopped.
80g of Gorgonzola.. crumbled into small pieces.
200g of skinny green Beens.. chop them into quite small bits.
Rocket - about 100g, tear this into sprigs.
Fresh black pepper to grind.
2tbs of toasted Pine Nuts. (And now you know why she's going to Nutcase!)

How to do it:

Cook the gnocchi in salted boiling water for about a minute.
Add the beans and cook for a further two minutes.
In a saucepan, slowly heat the oil and add the garlic.
Cook this gently for about a minute.. DON'T LET IT BURN, GET BROWN OR BITTER!
Remove from heat and set aside.
Drain the gnocchi and beans into a large serving bowl.
Stir in the garlicy oil and lots of freshly ground black pepper.
Pile the rocket on top of the gnocchi and put the gorgonzola on top.
Scatter on the pine nuts and toss everything together.

This dish is quick, smells great, tastes fabulous, is a quick starter OR a light supper for two people.

As she'll have a tub of Selina or Michael's Malaysian noodles when she's at Borough, she's promised we'll have noodles this weekend too, there's a dish she does with finely cut beef and green beans, she uses spicy Schezuan peppers and it's truly tasty.

We will have it for supper on Sunday, I'll give you the recipe tomorrow morning to give you time to get the ingredients.

Now it's time to play chase the mandarine slice and catch the walnut.. and.. is it just me, or is January whizzing by? It's already the 15th!

GeeGee Parrot.
January 15, 2016.

The sun was out, the sky was blue, there were no clouds to spoil the view & she's smiling!

Sincere apologies to the Bryants..

This, Dear Readers, was what it was like in London today, the sky was a bright blue with not a cloud to be seen, it was crisp but not 'that' cold and people were happy! She caught an overland train from Victoria to Streatham Hill and walked down the high street to the Henry Tate Library where she had arranged to meet Ann.

Who was already there talking to a librarian, wearing Constance's jacket, it looked SO good on her! She had on a bright turquoise rollneck sweater underneath the jacket, exactly the same colour as her mama used to wear with this Jaeger jacket all those years ago.. it made her smile.

First stop.. a bank to plunder her account for cash, then to a tiny restaurant which Ann had never noticed, it's that small! They squeezed in through the door and she asked "do you have room for two more hungry people?", a couple laughed, moved over and gave them half of their table.

"Oh goodie.. beetroot soup and chicken with mushroom sauce, that's for me, with tap water please" she said and Ann said she would have soup, followed with pudding. But, whilst they were drinking their soup, she gave Ann the pot of fresh goaty curd, which she tried on a slice of rye bread, "my goodness, that's delicious, where do you get it?", so she was told about 'All things Goaty' aka Ellie's Dairy being at Borough Market four days a week or at Balham Farmer's Market once a month.

"Let's go to Borough" said Ann "are you up for a jaunt down there, is it easy for you to get to?", mama replied "it's as easy for me to get to Borough as it is to get to Hammersmith and as quick, let's do this in a couple of weeks time". These two foodies then grinned and slurped their way through dark red soup!

Then they went into Bartek, another place where Ann had never ventured, she was introduced to Ishpol, Hamburg Parsley, Pork Brawn, "just like granny used to make up in Louth when I was a child" said Ann, who was clearly delighted to be introduced to such a great food shop!

And thrilled to find all the different varieties of rye breads.. "I must tell Roy (husband) and the boys (her two sons) about this shop, it has delicious food, will you just LOOK at those dumpling!"

Next stop Lidl for a few bits'n'bobs.. then it was time to 'waddle' to their bus stops.. Ann's was going up the hill and mama's was coming down the hill, hugs were hugged and faces were patted.. such a happy few hours of friendship had been exchanged.

And she smiled.. all the way home as the sun went down.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 15th, 2016.

Thursday, 14 January 2016


I had better explain.. are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin, at the beginning, you all know that is my favourite place.

When going to collect milk and curd at Borough this morning, she went through the Jumi stall and smiled at the young woman who always seems to be there.

There is, on Jumi's wall, a sign that says.. "There is no such thing as too much cheese", it makes her smile and today she said to the woman "and what about those people who say, as if it makes them extra special in some way, "I don't like cheese", I want to say to them "Really, you've tasted every cheese in the world?"

For how many cheeses are there! WHO knows? Smiling the lovely Italian said. "let me give you a cheese to taste (see what I mean?) that you may never have heard of, let alone eaten!" She cut the smallest sliver of a strange looking soft cheese, mama took it and put it into her mouth.

The taste exploded on her tongue and roared around waking up her taste buds.. wallop.. zoom.. bang and zap-kapow.. no wonder she'd only been given a minute bit, for the taste was E-NOR-MOUS!

Here is the information the cheese maker gives..

"This cream cheese came into being through an unexpected contamination with blue mould owing to a thinking mistake of the makers. Even after extensive brainstorming, it was not possible to pinpoint how this could happen and so the cheese was named Blau Hirni (Blue Brain)"

It is made from the raw milk of the Simmentaler cow. It takes 8 weeks to make and mature. It comes in little 'loaves' at 120g which cost £7.80. The cheese maker is Peter Glauser.

Holey Moley.. the next time she has £7.80 not allocated to something else, she'll hot-foot it down to JUMI Cheese at Borough Market and buy herself.. SHARE?.. a Blau Hirni.

Or she could buy Smoked Raclette or maybe some Fuhfesachzger, no, she can't pronounce it either.

Borough Market,
Unit 9, Three Crown Square,
8. Southwark Street,
London SE1 1TL.

Email:    Website:

Borough Market, details above.

Yppenmarkt & Lange Gasse 29/10, 1080 Wien (Vienna), Austria.

Munstergasse, Bern, Switzerland.

I am feeling quite 'quiet' and I might even allow myself to be put to bed early.. for I read MaryLou's email. She lives in Illinois and Dear Readers, the temperature there is minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit.. that is seriously cold and what we have just been warned that we might be heading for in the UK.

So I shall bid "Goodnight" to you all from her and me.."Goodnight.. sleep tight"

GeeGee Parrot.
January 14th, 2016.
PostScript: The origin of 'SHARE' was written about in a post a longlong time ago, you'll have to go back and read them all, the clue is a trip to look at a school, one stout child and an emelette.. made with thirteen eggs.

Did she care? Not one jot.. she was hot!

And how or why was that, I bet you're wondering. For it's chilly-billy at about 5 degrees and so to be 'hot', except for the bits that weren't protected from the icy damp weather, was pretty clever.

What was adding warmth, apart from multiple layers of thermal vest, lambswool sweater plus a woollen lined raincoat, was the fur lining from an old raincoat that died many a year ago.

The raincoat had been ruined by an oil spill whilst in someone's car but the oil, thank goodness, did not penetrate through the coat, so she tossed that and kept the detachable rabbit liner.. it's very smart, a beautiful dark pine green.

And today Mr. Rabbit slipped underneath her, also green, raincoat, she held her breath when she put on the coat as the rabbit liner is almost full length but YEAH, the raincoat was as long!

Having whistled up WW, she left for Borough Market on a milk and curd finding jaunt. Oooh, she loves this place, even though it's open to the four winds and is a bit chilly, why does she love it? Well, you can and she does, graze happily and talk to people who are, mostly, extremely knowledgeable about their product and, usually, they'll give you a bit to try.

So after slurping a slither of Parma ham and two tiny morsels of the most extraordinary cheese, that will get their own post because of how amazing they were, she eventually arrived at her destination.

Trade was slow throughout the market, there weren't many folk out buying anything, I'm not really surprised, on a cold day like today, I would spend my lunch break, IF I EVER HAD LUNCH, in a snug pub as close to a radiator as physically possible.

I don't get lunch. She grazes at Borough and other markets that she frequents and she's having lunch with Ann tomorrow in Streatham but generally speaking, it isn't a meal that we have.

Don't telephone Parrot Cruelty and tell them sad stories, for I do have an enormous bowl of bird food plus clean water and a cardboard box to destroy but you should, by now, know that I much prefer her food to my own bird seed.

Having chewed the fat with Joe upon and over the state of the nation and found a home, in Joe's hall and sittingroom, for her two almost brand new radiators that are surplus to requirements, she came home.

On went that big pot which has pork bones making slurpy stock with vegetables, once the stock boiled, she ladled some onto a bowl of left-over bulgar she'd found in the fridge, it was hot and tasty, I love carrots done like this, they're extremely warming to old Beaky and bald tumtum.

Talking about the bald bits of my body. Whilst she was out and about, I am afraid to say that I had a 'go' at tumtum, very silly to do that for I fear that if I continue in this stupid fashion, she might take me back to the nice (but dreaded) vet's surgery and vet Matthew might decide to put me into a collar.. gulp.. and.. he'd keep me there 'under observation' for two days!

Gordon Bennett! For apart for the cost of such torture, imagine the horror of not being at home or even in jail, my normal jail, where I get spoilt rotten, I'd be in a new place where I've never stayed before and I heard Matthew talk about how I'd have to be sedated when he puts the collar on me.. PLUS.. on top of that, I'd be unable to put Beaky back between my shoulder blades which is how I sleep.. for months.. whilst my feathers grow back.

BLIMY.. I wonder if there are any positions going on a HMRN ship leaving Portsmouth who'd like a bald mascot?

It is HIDEOUS, truly gruesome to think about it but I've got into this silly habit of plucking and one of my legs is nearly bald, almost as bald as tumtum, so she growled at me when she saw what I'd done today whilst she was out, there aren't many chirps around here today, that's for sure. Sigh.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 14th, 2016.
PostScript: HMRN stands for Her Majesty's Royal Navy. The British navy for hundreds of years had a tradition of having a parrot on board most, if not all, of their ships. We met a very nice man about four years ago, his name was Nick Howland (he is a very bigwig at Goldsmith's Hall in the City of London) who had been a Commander in the RN, his last command being a Frigate.

They had an African Grey Parrot mascot.. but his language was 'slightly' too ripe and he had to be smuggled ashore when Her Majesty The Queen came on board.