Thursday, 31 December 2015


Ah, dear Karen, she's another very dear Dear Reader who certainly deserves a medal or a chocolate Salami! For she's also be reading my blog right from the get-go and keeps us up to date with her life. Some of the photos of Karen and Bob's jaunt through very rural areas of France last year on a tandem left her mouth open.

This morning we received two photos, one of her and her husband at the Red Flannel Party taken just after Christmas, she's wearing an elegant 'gown', such a pretty name for an evening dress, and the second photo is of the two of them on skis.. standing in a good depth of snow.

OH-HOHO, we haven't had snow in London for ages, there's no snow in Ottawa where Joe reports it to be 17c and there certainly wasn't any in the Italian Alps at Christmas time either, for BUB reported that Turin Airport was packed with people fleeing from green grassy slopes!

Karen had Dharma, who was her beloved dog that died this winter, oi vey Karen, we know how you both miss him. Karen has a 'past'.. most certainly.. she works, she's married and had her own family.. that's your past.. are you beginning to 'gettit', our lovely anonymous friend who lives elsewhere in America?

One of the nicest compliments she received within the last four years was from Susannah, who said "do you know ..., you've really opened my eyes, we take our families so much for granted and when 'it' happens.. then we think about something else / do something else but our lives are what other people's biographies are written about, not every day is full of 'daring do' but some of it is incredibly funny and if you don't jot things down, they get lost in time, so I'm going to start writing a journal".. and she did and still does.

So this is an open "Thank you" to you Dear Readers, to those of you whom I know and those of you that I don't know, to those of you who live in far-away lands and to those of you who live upstairs, you know who you are!

To those of you who read my blog in English and to those of you who take the trouble and have to resort to an English dictionary from time-to-time.. "thank you for reading my blog and as this is the last night of 2015"..

"We wish a lot of things for various folks around the world but our main wish is for 'PEACE ON EARTH & GOODWILL TO ALL MEN'.."

GeeGee Parrot.
December 31st, 2015.

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