Monday, 21 December 2015


YUBBA-DUBBA-DOO! Despite practising quality control on that chocolate salami yesterday morning and licking 'several' bowls, spoons and spatulas relating to the mammoth cake-baking session before putting them into the washing-up bowl yesterday afternoon, she has, miraculously, lost a further two lbs this last week.

This, Dear Readers, is undoubtedly a flippin' miracle! For she exhibited 'python' habits last Monday night with those jolly folk in Faversham and at Mackmade for lunch the following day, she had a chinese lunch during with a friend during the week and we ate, which some folks think we don't do! How daft aka mad are they, huh?

Yes, she's lost 29lbs and is now under 140lbs - aka 10 stone in UK old fashioned speak. It is really 'strange' to feel lighter, to be faster, to be 'smaller'. Anthony, with whom she shares notes and tips, has also lost over 28lbs - 2 stone - and they were talking today together with another couple of big loss losers about how it actually 'feels' not to have this 'outer' layer.

"A bit weird" was Tracys' first comment, "plus people think 'WE' are different when really all that's happened is that we've lost a significat amount of weight, but it does take time to adjust and it is undoubtedly very strange when you hit target, you've achieved 'it' and now what, this was me before and now this is me after.. but what is after?"

Tracy's lost 77 lbs, 5.5 stone and my mama has seen her lose the last 43lbs, 3 stone. She did it as she refused to give in to Diabetes, she's now insulin free and runs daily with her two eldest children, something she was physically incapable of doing before.

Dodgy knee ain't going to allow her to run like Tracy but she is going to take a weekly barre class and maybe.. she would be able to go back Alan Herdman's studio in Seymour Street. Ah, now, that would be a huge treat.

But only because Granny is now a 'real' Granny.. this is a very inside joke!

GeeGee Parrot.
December 21st, 2015.

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