Tuesday, 14 April 2015

LITTLE BOY BRUCE DUN' GROWN UP!.. And a very small little brooch.

Yes he has.. for today it's our BIG Bruce's birthday.. Now I know you're all thinking huh, in the title we described him as 'Little Boy Bruce' and now we are talking about him as BIG Bruce, what has happened? Well.. fifty years happened..

And if you're sparking on all your cylinders.. you'll realise that we are telling you it is his big FIVE O day today.. yup.. our youngest cousin has reached his half century!

She sure hopes the package she posted to him yesterday got there, it should do, for she asked for the 'Next Day Delivery before 13.00 - Track & Trace Service'.. a great service from the Royal Mail.

Today is a beautiful day and we hope that it is as pleasant a day up on the Isle of Man.. which is the skinny island tucked in between England and Northern Ireland. This is where three of our cousins live, one of which is our birthday 'boy'.. huh.. ain't nothing boyish about him, he takes after his father and his father's father. Tall of height, broad of shoulder and slim of hip.

            "Happy birthday dearest Bruce.. we wish you a very, very happy day indeed".

What did she manage to do yesterday? She got the fabric she needed from the Wimbledon Machine Company on Balham High Street, this shop is an emporium of wonderful stuff! Dress and furnishing fabrics.. trimmings.. stuff for craftwork.. stuff for children.. you name it, they've got it!

Plus, of course, sewing machines! And small pieces of leather and suede.. she'll go back with an old Barbour jacket that needs the collar replacing. They will have what she needs but needs to take the jacket in to choose a colour.

Then she found a new mini Post Office! On the Trinity Road, almost at the junction of Tooting High Street and Balham High Street. With NO queue! Yippee.

Then back to EE at Clapham Junction, for her new mobile was doing something most peculiar! "Bring me your contact and I'll exchange it for another" said Chantelle. So that took a couple of hours as she came home, fed me some yumyum, checked my water, picked up everything that went with the phone and went back to Clapham Junction.

Mobiles exchanged, she went by bus up to Streatham Hill. Got off at the Streatham Hill Station stop, crossed the road and chewed the fat with an old friend who is changing the usage of his shop. He used to have two floors of ironmongery products. He is a trained chef and the ground floor is now going to be an Indian take-away called 'DELHI BITES' and the ironmongers will be downstairs.

"Opening at the end of the month" was his response when she hailed him whilst he was at the top of a ladder preparing the exterior wall for the shop sign. She gave her love to all the family, she's known the two children since the first, a girl, was so small that she slept in a box underneath the till! They are a charming, charming family and she wishes them a HUGE success with their new venture.

Then she walked up Leigham Court Road to a Rotary meeting. She had been asked by Susan if she wanted to join this group and having sat in and listened to what they do, whom they support, their policies and ethics, she filled in an application form two weeks ago.

Amongst themselves the other members had discussed her and what they thought she could bring to the group etc, etc and yesterday, to her great pleasure, Mary the groups' president, formally told her that they were delighted to say that her application as a member had been accepted ~ upon one condition! That it was to be a JOINT membership.. for I am to be an Honorary Member!

Apparently my one afternoons 'work' at the meeting of 'Singing With Dementia' before Easter had been an enormous success and had had such an effect on several of the people, that the president, who also started this group, had been asked if I could go every week!

She will be formally inducted as a Rotarian in a couple of weeks time, she'll then be given her Rotarian brooch - pin, of course, I cannot wear a one as I don't wear any 'clothes', and if I wasn't such a scary cat and so afraid of needles.. I'd have a tattoo instead. Then I could 'wear' my Rotary brooch all the time!

Needless to say she is absolutely thrilled about this, the secretary and president spoke with her about the role they want her to take within the group.. and right up her street, it is too!

Afterwards Susan and she caught a bus to come home.. Susan was so excited that her 'applicant' had been accepted, that she missed her stop and had to get off, cross over the road and catch a bus going back the other way!

Now she's got to get on with stuff as it is way past midday, she hasn't had her hair cut yet and she's due at the Dentist for a mini-check-up at 5 of the after noon clock.

No, she didn't get everything done yesterday but what had to be done.. was and she can do more chores today and on Wednesday.. for life rolls by and so must we.. for, yes folks.. it's time to 'Rock-n-Roll!'

GeeGee Parrot.
April 14th, 2015.
PostScript.. Aka Bruce's birthday.. we hope you have a 'gud' day Bruce! Please think this in an 'Aussie' accent.

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