Now HOW do I know the Swahili word for Parrot.. 'cos that, Dear Readers, is where I have been!
No.. actually.. I tell GROSS fib.. we have been staying in Wiltshire with Michele and Peter and they speak Swahili, so they called me that and SWSBO.. remembered that name from Madge.. aka Pete's mother.. who adored Dagga Parrot.
AND I met a dog.. in fact.. I met TWO dogs! One was a brown Doberman called Ginger and the other was called Panda.. I can't remember exactly what breeding made Panda.. Collie and Spitz, I think. But I am pleased to report that both their noses are still in one piece and so am I!
The weather was glorious.. a bit nippy but it is still April and so windy wind is to be expected. Pete and she moved a raised bed, they ate lots of Michele's yummy yumyum and I fell in lurve.. sigh.. yes, Dear Readers, I've fallen in love and spent a lot of time on Pete's head. And.. NO fingers were nipped!
We are now back in London, so I have travelled in a fast black.. aka a London taxi.. two trains, a car and have been on two big red buses! What excitement! And I met Poppy again, do you remember her? She's Faith's daughter, who is Michele and Peter's daughter, oh, do keep up at the back there.
This is why she scurried around tidying up the house towards the end of last week.. for to come back to an untidy house after a holiday.. well, NOBODY wants to do that! So it may not be sunny and bright but it is home and it's our home. You'll be pleased to hear that the green army is still alive. She opened the window so fresh cool air slowed down the growth rate.
She has the brain MRI tomorrow at some completely ungodly hour.. and there is all sorts of stuff going on this week which she has to do and organise.. including a trip to the dentist! Her new smart filling fell out on Friday afternoon.. sigh.. so that has to be replaced.
She has a package waiting to be collected and she needs to get a small package to get into the mail tomorrow after she's finished at the hospital.
So we have been busybusy.. which is why we have not posted for such a long time. We were occupied doing other things or else fast asleep! That comfy bed in the family Jenners' new house meant she slept reallyreally well and so did I and we have returned full of fresh air and bright sunlight in our eyes.
Nice place Pewsey.. "we'll be back Michele and Pete.. and no, it's not a threat.. it's a promise".
GeeGee Parrot.
April 20th, 2015.
No.. actually.. I tell GROSS fib.. we have been staying in Wiltshire with Michele and Peter and they speak Swahili, so they called me that and SWSBO.. remembered that name from Madge.. aka Pete's mother.. who adored Dagga Parrot.
AND I met a dog.. in fact.. I met TWO dogs! One was a brown Doberman called Ginger and the other was called Panda.. I can't remember exactly what breeding made Panda.. Collie and Spitz, I think. But I am pleased to report that both their noses are still in one piece and so am I!
The weather was glorious.. a bit nippy but it is still April and so windy wind is to be expected. Pete and she moved a raised bed, they ate lots of Michele's yummy yumyum and I fell in lurve.. sigh.. yes, Dear Readers, I've fallen in love and spent a lot of time on Pete's head. And.. NO fingers were nipped!
We are now back in London, so I have travelled in a fast black.. aka a London taxi.. two trains, a car and have been on two big red buses! What excitement! And I met Poppy again, do you remember her? She's Faith's daughter, who is Michele and Peter's daughter, oh, do keep up at the back there.
This is why she scurried around tidying up the house towards the end of last week.. for to come back to an untidy house after a holiday.. well, NOBODY wants to do that! So it may not be sunny and bright but it is home and it's our home. You'll be pleased to hear that the green army is still alive. She opened the window so fresh cool air slowed down the growth rate.
She has the brain MRI tomorrow at some completely ungodly hour.. and there is all sorts of stuff going on this week which she has to do and organise.. including a trip to the dentist! Her new smart filling fell out on Friday afternoon.. sigh.. so that has to be replaced.
She has a package waiting to be collected and she needs to get a small package to get into the mail tomorrow after she's finished at the hospital.
So we have been busybusy.. which is why we have not posted for such a long time. We were occupied doing other things or else fast asleep! That comfy bed in the family Jenners' new house meant she slept reallyreally well and so did I and we have returned full of fresh air and bright sunlight in our eyes.
Nice place Pewsey.. "we'll be back Michele and Pete.. and no, it's not a threat.. it's a promise".
GeeGee Parrot.
April 20th, 2015.
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