Friday, 24 April 2015


She found out last year that eating tomatoes caused the knuckles in her right hand, especially the first finger, to swell alarmingly and to be extremely painful. She had made a huge pot out of homegrown plum tomatoes with garlic and oregano. Portioned it out into boxes and froze it.

A couple of weeks later, she made meatballs and tomato sauce, using one box which she'd defrosted and heated through thoroughly. 'Slurp' she thought and took it to work in her thermos. She shared it with another volunteer and thought nothing more about it.. until an hour later when her hand swelled up and her fingers became sore.

"Look at this" she said to the volunteer. Who said "wow, you've had a reaction to something, what could it be, can't be the tomatoes.. or can it? My hands are ok".. sadly it was. For she waited two weeks and tried it again but with another sauce made from tinned tomatoes.. sure enough, within the hour.. kapoow! Sore hand.

She remembered being told that certain foods can do this and stopped eating any of the foods that are part of the Solanaceae - Nightshade family. Aubergines, Peppers, Potatoes and Tomatoes.

As long as she keeps well away from them, her hands are ok.. but potato chips have been known to slip past her defences and down the gullet.. result.. sore knuckles.. stiff fingers.

She is wary of taking drugs at the best of times and has never been tempted to take a pain killer for the arthritis in that poor old right knee and right hand, she controls it by staying away from the foods that she now knows that her body cannot handle, with the reasoning that some drugs do your body damage FAR worst than a potato chip!

Both Clinical Cornerstone - an American journal - and the Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, UK have recently published reports on the significant amount of deaths caused by long term use of NSAIDS, non-steroidal anti arthritis drugs which cause upper gastrointestinal problems, ie: bleeding and others.

Which, if you have read this blog from the beginning, you will know is the problem that she had for over six years. Her bleeding was caused by another problem.. NOT by taking these drugs. The freely available (without prescription) drugs listed are.. Aspirin, Ibuprofen & Naproxen.

Cold, damp and mould will aggravate arthritis and so you should be careful of this in your home. Wear gloves and knee pads whilst you garden. Be pro-active and find out what irritates and 'annoys' your body and stop eating or using it.

Do not just take the pain killing pills, because you maybe causing yourself future untold and unseen damage, investigate what triggers an attack or, by the process of elimination, the constant pain and or swelling. Did you have this as a child? Probably not, so it is something that you are now doing or eating that is causing arthritis.

You may, of course, have other members of your family who also 'suffer' this condition and suffer IS the right word! For if you have ever had a red hot needle being poked up under your fingernail then you will know the level of pain she has experienced!

There may well be a family intolerance or weakness that you have inherited. Hugo could not eat any type of orange. So NO delicious Seville Marmalade for him but he could eat both lemons and limes. So Constance made him Lemon and Lime Marmalade.. and her digestion is happier when she stays away from oranges.. "Orange juice.. ugh.. get away from me" she says!

Check it, your food, out. If you are reading this, then you have access to the Internet and the re-search engines that are freely available on it. Be responsible for your own body and health.

AND please read the labels on packets.. she was just about to buy a package of Liquorice.. NO, I have zero control over her when she's out 'n about.. when she saw they use potato flour as the bulking agent!

Who would think of that? She would have had a very sore paw in a nanosecond AND not been able to get her money back as the packet was opened!

Off we go.. me to snooze.. aka doze.. and her to the dentist.. PipPip.

GeeGee Parrot.
April 24th, 2015.

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