Monday, 19 January 2015


West Peckham, High Halden, Tenterden, Biddenden, Wingham, Littlebourne and Sandwich are places in Kent, they are also places where she and her family lived in this glorious county.

With the exception of Sandwich, all of the houses she lived in were situated deep in the midst of farming land and a great many of her family's friends were farmers and all of the women, even if their farms were not 'stock' farms, had their own cows or goats, from whose milk they made cheese.

So it gives her enormous pleasure to introduce you to two new, to her, Kentish Cheesemakers.

WINTERDALE CHEESEMAKERS LTD are based near Sevenoaks.

Telephone: 44+(0) 1732 820021. Website:

What has she tasted? Oh.. something scrummy, I can assure you of that! It was a piece of 'Winterdale Shaw', a traditional unpasturised, cloth bound cellar matured hard cheese. It was nibbled, just to check it was suitable for human consumption..... you understand..... and then grated very finely into a bowl of butter and herbs, rye flour was added and the dough is maturing in our chilly white larder for the next five days.

KINGCOTT CHEESE LTD are based near Staplehurst, a village she used to know very well.

Telephone: 44+(0) 1580 892478. Website:

Yes. sirree.. Kentish Blue. A Blue Cheese! Yippee! Oh, slurp-the-durp indeed, what a magnificent cheese this is! For she is crazy-daisy about Blue Cheese and this one, folks, is a really good one. YUMYUM!

She gave it the same treatment, it is now tucked up with herbs and rye flour and nestling happily with the other doughs in chilly white larder.

Yes, if you're on the ball, you will have surmised that there are more than two balls of cheesey dough maturing. And how did she get her floury little paws on these Kentish Cheese.

Ah.. well, you see Debbie Goat took pity upon her and brought them up to London for her and whilst she was with Debbie today, she was given 4 ozs of 'Gruff' Goaty Cheese, it got the same treatment except the dough was made using spelt flour. Kind woman that, she'll go far, or rather, we hope she'll get back safely from Ludlow.

She and David Goatie are supposed to be going there on Tuesday, taking more kidlie-didlies to join the others who are starting a new Goat Herd. There are dire warnings about snow and extreme weather conditions.. not so happy making when you are towing a trailer full of animals.

So there you are folks.. now you have the contact details for three Kentish Cheese makers, the third is, of course, Ellie's Dairy, run by Debbie and David Goatie.

Telephone: 44+(0)7770 777 970. Website:
And they're to be found at lots of Farmer's Markets in London and at Penshurst, in Kent.

In fact, you should come and meet Debbie Goat and my mama at Marylebone Farmer's Market next Sunday. Just look for two happy faces grinning ear to ear and eating Malaysian Dumplings with Chilli and you'll have found them!

And taste and buy lots of Goatie Cheese and find out what great Kentish Cheese tastes like.

She's very proud to be able to say she lived in this county and even prouder of the fact that most of her time living there, was spent slap-bang in the middle of The Weald of Kent.. aka The Garden of England.

Bed time for both us dollies.. Enjoy your week Dear Readers.. stay safe and warm.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 18th, 2015.

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