Thursday, 15 January 2015


Yes, they flew through the air with the greatest of ease.. ONLY because they were 'to be signed for' and, therefore, could not be eaten by naughty people on the way!

Now we have to wait for their verdicts from The Cookie Monsters.. we have had one verdict from a friend who received a Salami for Christmas.. he said "it made him laugh so much".. for he received his 'Salami' all wrapped up in paper and string.

She would have loved to do that with the ones that flew to Canada and America but can you just imagine the fuss the xray image of a tied up sausage would have caused! So sadly those Salami Cookies had to go with no fancy wrapping.. but fear not Cookie Monsters, they taste just the same!

It is time to get on with our day.. which involves a search for very fine black wool, one of her favourite dresses has a tiny hole.

So foodle-the-doodle.. off we go.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 15th, 2015.

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