Sunday, 11 January 2015


She and I were busy reading the Sunday papers on line, well, she was reading them, the print is a bit small for my beady eyes, don't forget I am perched on her head so I am not that close to iPad's screen, she reads the interesting, to me, articles out aloud.

There sounded the cerchink noise that alerted us to arrival of a text message.

Opening Mr.Samsung, she tapped on the message icon and up came a message from Debbie the Goatie Mum.

She has reported that David.. aka Master of Machines & Engines.. has worked his magic upon our poor sick WW.. Wicker-Wheelie.. he now has a new bottom and handle and is ready to come home!

Would she be at Parson's Green Farmer's Market this coming Sunday.. Hello.. is the Pope a Catholic? The answer is, of course, yes.

She Who Should Be Obeyed and her priceless Porcelain carrier, tall Wicker-Wheelie, will be reunited.. It will be quite a 'wet-eyed' occasion. I am She Who Fies, just in case you have forgotten..

And we have just been informed by another text message, that he has a new front leg.. ooh, that indeed will raise his standing in the neighbourhood again.

She has promised that she will perform many Jowly-Bowes and that I will perform a Tribal Act. That may well be well, however, I will have to scratch old Beaky and Nape very hard to come up with one of those, as SHE is my tribe and I have never been to a Theatre, so I don't quite know what to do.

I LIE.. I know The Funky Chicken Dance! Now, that's a very special act!

Oh, that's alright then.. phew.. for a moment or two.. I felt 'slightly' warm under my wings.

Back to watching this programme which has just started on George Gilbert Scott, his son and grandson, his Gothic Architecture, we can "stand at ease men".

For tall Whicker-Wheelie is a'ready to come home.  How nice is that? Huh, we call it very nice.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 11th, 2015.

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