Wednesday, 28 January 2015


For it transpires that Pocket Coffees have been around for ages.. huh.. so why haven't we been given them before, who is it who is or was responsible for keeping us in the dark and deprived of the little bits of Scrummydumptiousness? We wonder how many of you, Dear Readers, know about these tasty morsels of chocolate?

Oh, well, rock and roll.. let me tell you about about another very tasty thing she has just discovered which have been around and about for three years now.

They are called FLOWER SPROUTS. They were developed by an English Seed Merchant called Tozers. They are a cross of the traditional Brussels Sprout and, maybe Russian, Kale. They are just FABULOUS!

She found them at Parson's Green Farmer's Market on Ted's Organic veg stall, she has seen them in Waitrose and Marks & Spencer also sell them, maybe WholeFoods do as well?

They are sometimes called Somerset Sprouts and are a. cute to look at and b. very cute to cook, for they cook in no time at all and retain all their lovely colour and the water in which they cook is very tasty, (she always drinks the water that vegetables have cooked in).

She was out late last night, hence no post this morning. We were up early but went back to bed with a mug of LapySang. It was cold last night but dry, no snow. Apparently we are going to experience, later in this week, the edge of the storm called Juno which shut down a lot of the Eastern Seaboard in the USA last night.

Poor allotment, the ground will be absolutely rock hard. She does not believe in trying to wake it up too early, but she does have to go and cut down the last years' Asparagus ferns and prune all of the Apple and Pear trees.

Frosty Tigers.. she needs to go and get a pair of proper old fashioned fleecy jogging pants, then with proper socks and rubber boots, there will be a lot that she can do without digging.

That grass always needs to be cut and she has to 'GET TO GRIPS' with two large areas of briars which have become far too big for their boots.. chopchopchop.. they all have to go.

There's always work to do.. she just has to get there and do it but this week is more than a bit too chilly-billy. It is, we must remember, it is still only January!

Bed time for both of us we were watching the most extraordinary programme which is why we are late to bed. More tomorrow. Good night.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 27th, 2015.

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