Thursday, 31 March 2016

Dreaded collar is off!

It's scrawny, the feathers are all a bit out of shape and I do look as if the moth have been at my neck but I am freeeee! Oh, hallelujah!

Off we trundled to East Sheen by tubular railway and number 33 bus. We arrived early and she let me out of the cage and I sat on her hand. A cage came in.. with a beautiful 4 year old African Grey in it.. sigh.. I used to look like that once upon a time. She had not a feather out of place or missing.. I felt a bit less than..

Nice Matthew called us in early, he weighed me, I have lost 20g in weight in the past 10 weeks, I'm now only 420g, "to be expected, has she been off her food" he asked. Mama explained that I was eating very little and had put it down to the collar, he thought she was right but asked her to weigh me each week and to try and to get me to eat 'tasty morsels', as he called them!

He is such a nice man but he was deemed to be even nicer when he produced a screwdriver and removed that dreaded plastic collar! Oh, I could scratch my scrawny neck! Oh.. such bliss.

She paid the bill and we trundled home all the way home by bus, me in my ferret cage in a big basket, her in the Roman shoes doing a fine imitation of peg-a-leg.

We ate a very late lunch at 3.45pm of pan fried liver with steamed vegetables and now we are going to take it quietly for the rest of the day, so I can scratch and preen and she can rest poor foot which has done a fair bit of walking and going up and down stairs.

And tonight, Dear Readers, Beaky will sleep between my shoulder blades..

GeeGee Parrot.
March 31st, 2016.

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