Tuesday, 3 January 2012

SPECIAL EDITION... Hot off the press ... GRANNY'S BACK IN TOWN... Read all about it..

You read it here first....

Yes, Dear Reader, there is a God after all. Well, WE knew there was all the time but THIS news is beyond wonderful!

Granny emailed HER last night to say she is starting GRANNY's classes again in late February.

GRANNY, who shall always be known as Granny, is like Studio Owner, they take something and they work on & with it and hey presto, hey-li-cheese, it changes into something else, they are both Artists and Magicians.

Granny works on bodies, live one's, the bodies lie on mats and Granny talks them through strange and weird movements and in time, and IF body's brain has been concentrating and not just lolling about wasting body's time, a TRULY miraculous thing happens, body's shape changes.

And although Muscle complained and Fat says, well, it wouldn't be polite to say on THIS Blog what Fat said when WE told it that SHE was going to be going back to Granny's. SHE'll be on a mat, so will Studio Owner, who has a problem with her back and neck, from years of standing at drawing tables. Not good for poor back.

Go to GRANNY's and get back better!

I'll recount the TALE of how SHE and Granny met in 1975 in another post.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 3rd, 2012.

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