Sunday, 8 January 2012

Farewell, Adieu, Auf Wiedersein, Goodbye...

Yes, Dear Reader, this is one of the tunes from 'The Sound of Music'.. And also one of MY favourite things to whistle. It is so simple, the tune can just go on going round and around. Hum it and you will see what I mean.

Many years ago, when I was a baby Parrot, someone was staying with us and she was very grumpy. WE couldn't figure out why but oh dear, she was in a bad mood, ugh...

SHE remarked upon this to LuLu, who was living in London at the time, now that's a gurl who isn't backwards in coming forwards and upon hearing about the grumpy guest, LuLu immediately whistled "Farewell etc....".

How it made HER laugh and when SHE got home, SHE sat ME on GoosieHead in the kitchen and taught ME the tune! Such fun to have a secret to make ONE laugh and WE did.. I whistled it and SHE laughed, oh, Lord, how SHE laughed.

That was a long time ago but if I wish to cheer HER or even sometimes, MYSELF up, I whistle just the first couple of bars and WE both giggle and think how very lucky WE are that WE don't have THE dreaded GRUMPY bone in OUR bodies.

"Farewell, Adieu, Auf Wiedersein, Goodbye....... Farewell.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 8th, 2012.

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