Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Mr. MacGregor ... Mary Poppins and other such nonsense...

Greetings to YOU all.

Australia is reading MY Blog.. Yes, Dear Reader, on the Stats, Australia has gone GREEN which means they are laughing and smiling and doing the Fandango with the rest of YOU.

YOU are unaware of the fact that YOU do the Fandango because it is a secret between ME and YOUR inner self, aka YOUR facial muscles. YOU don't believe ME, hahaha, don't tell GROSS fibs and say that YOU read MY Blog with a straight face, because, I for one, do not believe it.

NO-one reads MY Blog with a straight face, even I don't and I write it! But I suppose I laugh and smile at the stories because I played one of the lead roles and, therefore, remember the happenings OR I am / was fortunate to be privy to most of the characters involved and they spilt the beans and gave ME the low-down, aka, the inside Tale.

WE were at The Studio today and a mighty happy day it was too... oh indeedy, yes it was!

Studio Owner and I were chewing the fat about something up in the drawing room and Lovely Assistant called for US both to come into the office... WE scurried down the stairs, LA was white with excitement... and WHAT excitement it was too... for there, on the computer screen, was the on-line banking and it showed that a magical amount of money had been paid in.

OH Halleluiah.. a commission that Studio Owner had quoted for in the middle of LAST year had been signed off by this lovely client in Paris, then there was an email with a copy of the Purchase Order giving details of the order that the 50% payment belonged to which WE had received. Then another email was received from the same client, they want more stuff... lots and lots of more stuff.

How wonderful, how simply "blooming marvellous" in fact and now I quote from Mary Poppins, "Supercalifragalisticexpealidocus" because this means a great deal of work for many of Studio Owner's most beloved and dearest experts, bullion dealers, casters, polishers, engravers, glass blowers, spinners, mould makers, oh, lots and lots of work for them all, YOU see in making something glorious by hand, many people make up a team of Craftsmen and EVERY single one of these people are MAJOR Craftsmen, who produce the very highest quality merchandise.

So, I do hope that the very little 'BIG' man in Paris reads MY Blog... "for WE do manufacture stuff in England Monsieur S...... and extremely fine 'STUFF' it is too".

In the afternoon SHE settled down with the list of chores that were to be done, one of the chores SHE had to do was to telephone the company who are hosting Studio Owner's Exhibition in November, SHE said "Hello" to this man and he responded by saying "how are you both, is GeeGee with you in the office?"... much laughter was then laughed as he explained that he had never walked into a room and seen an African Grey Parrot sitting on someone's head before and that he would remember the sight forever... SHE laughed and 'confessed' that, indeed, I was sitting on HER head at that very moment.

As I am at this precise moment as SHE writes this for me... I always stay 'quite' close to make sure that SHE doesn't slip something into MY Blog without ME noticing, YOU know what 'parents' are like, give them an inch and the next minute THEY are trying to exercise Parental Rights, uh, I get ole Beaky into action when I feel that mood coming upon her and threaten HER with a few bars of "old MacGregor had a farm...", SHE's not daft and HER eyes slide to the bookshelves where SHE has HER MOST beloved books that SHE keeps in a 'secure' place, these are the one's that have never had the pleasure of meeting Beak...

A nibble here, a nibble there, everywhere a nibble-nibble.... YOU see, Dear Reader, there are several ways to keep HER on the hop as it were....

But I must NOT tease HER, for SHE has had an extremely busy day and ran about like a rabbit, down Red Lion, down High Holborn, up High Holborn, into Lincoln's Inn Field, SHE had to drop a letter into Fierce Lawyer's office... COR and what an office! Wow, what a magnificent building, phew. Then down the steps, a wiggle through Gate Street, out onto High Holborn, into Red Lion Street, out onto Thoebald's Road, onto Clerkenwell Road, up to Britton Street, back onto Clerkenwell Road and back to the Studio via the Plumber's Merchants.

SHE's a Pensioner, SHE's over 60, when are they treat HER with more due care and consideration?

I will have to keep MY beady eye on HER and make sure SHE doesn't get too tired. Poor SHE, for HER knees are dodgy and they HATE the cold weather, they 'lock' and do horrid things that upset HER.

Bed time for Dollies and WE Dollies are going to go to sleep.. Oooh, that is very grown up of ME, normally I hate the mere thought of bed, please note the lower case letters for I don't want 'bed' aka cage to get ideas above its' station.

Sleep well Dear Reader, funny to think it's nearly midday 'down under' in Australia and those Aussies are reading 'Parrot Tales' by GeeGee. Oh, the power of a Parrot's Blog!

GeeGee Parrot.
January 31st, 2012.

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