Thursday, 5 February 2015


She was in the West End this afternoon with a merry bunch of folk, an Acupunturist, three Herbalists and two Nutritionists.

She was discussing slimy old Mr. Cold bug with a couple of them and they agreed on what she has given you so far and she said "the last hot drink is Apple Cider Vinegar with Lemon & Cayenne", they smiled and said "that's our favourite!"

So here it is..

We use that trusty thick ceramic mug and put in the following. A dessert spoonful of both Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey. The juice of half a fresh Lemon. A big teaspoonful of Cayenne Pepper. Mix them all together and pour on boiling water, put the saucer on top of the mug and leave it to brew for four minutes. Make and drink this at least 3 times a day.

The Lemon juice and the Vinegar kill bacteria, the Honey soothes and Cayenne Pepper helps everything to heal. It contains an active ingredient called Capsaicin, as do other Chilli Peppers, this is good for many things, relieving pain and being beneficial for your heart amongst them.

Cayenne Pepper also makes a really good gargle! However, it is not for the faint hearted or wimpy folk though. Stir a small teaspoonful of Cayenne Pepper into warm water, which has been boiled.. NOT water from your hot tap.. and gargle several times with this. I know, your mouth feels hothothot but your throat will thank you.. later!

These wonderful natural ingredients are always in our kitchen. Last winter when she got so cold at the allotment, she sliced bits of Ginger Root into a cut off leg from an old pair of tights, tied a knot in the leg and put it into the bath as the water was running. Then she soaked until the water lost its' heat. Warm and toasty was how she felt as she headed to bed and it helped her sleep.

Singing tomorrow, I wonder what it's all about, don't you? But do you remember 'Lets forget about tomorrow, lets forget about tomorrow, lets forget about tomorrow for tomorrow never comes,' it was a big hit for Frank Sinatra.

She's off now to make one or other of her Witch's Brews. Which will it be tonight? Or maybe, just some Ginger Root, sliced, bashed, mixed with Honey and hot water, soothing and delicious. We like things which.. smell good, taste good and, by golly, they do you good.

Bed time for me and Witch brewing time for her.

GeeGee Parrot.
February 5th, 2015.

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