Her brain has gone decidedly wonky.. she had the devil's own job remembering how to spell bureaucracy today when she was emailing Debbie Goaty person and she spelt losing wrong in the last post. She ain't very 'with it', that's for sure!
Luckily we have enough fresh food for another day and then she will have to go to the market to get greens, carrots, lemons and apples. Which is, prerty much, all she is eating. Great Spring clean for the insides, is what I call it!
She has discovered something rather sad.. you all know how she loves proper, good coffee. Well, tomorrow morning it will be a week since she drank any coffee or tea. And the knuckles in her right hand has improved dramatically! OH DEAR.. That would be awful, would it not?
Anyway, enforced time in bed is now allowing her to do a bit of research into some oils that she has to brew for our beloved Susan. Whose toes are getting better, I am happy to report. Next week, she will be doing them again and she will also give her elderly friend a Shingles Massage. It helps her tremendously and stops the pain with no side effects.
We like that..
She is starting to feel better and now when she is out of bed going to the loo, or waiting for lunch or supper to cook, she does five minutes of excercising to get those muscles moving! Otherwise she will be like a piece of old chewed string at the end of this bed rest!
And if she is not strong enough, she will never get back to working in the garden! She hasn't done a winter prune on the Apple or Pear trees and has not cut back the Asparagus ferns from last year yet.. hey ho.. good thing it was covered in snow and frost for so long, she never works the ground when it is like this anyway, but it will be soon time to do so.
So she better get fit again. I, meanwhile, am off to bed.. I had a mini snacket of Walnuts and am happy to say "Goodnight".
GeeGee Parrot.
February 12th, 2015.
Luckily we have enough fresh food for another day and then she will have to go to the market to get greens, carrots, lemons and apples. Which is, prerty much, all she is eating. Great Spring clean for the insides, is what I call it!
She has discovered something rather sad.. you all know how she loves proper, good coffee. Well, tomorrow morning it will be a week since she drank any coffee or tea. And the knuckles in her right hand has improved dramatically! OH DEAR.. That would be awful, would it not?
Anyway, enforced time in bed is now allowing her to do a bit of research into some oils that she has to brew for our beloved Susan. Whose toes are getting better, I am happy to report. Next week, she will be doing them again and she will also give her elderly friend a Shingles Massage. It helps her tremendously and stops the pain with no side effects.
We like that..
She is starting to feel better and now when she is out of bed going to the loo, or waiting for lunch or supper to cook, she does five minutes of excercising to get those muscles moving! Otherwise she will be like a piece of old chewed string at the end of this bed rest!
And if she is not strong enough, she will never get back to working in the garden! She hasn't done a winter prune on the Apple or Pear trees and has not cut back the Asparagus ferns from last year yet.. hey ho.. good thing it was covered in snow and frost for so long, she never works the ground when it is like this anyway, but it will be soon time to do so.
So she better get fit again. I, meanwhile, am off to bed.. I had a mini snacket of Walnuts and am happy to say "Goodnight".
GeeGee Parrot.
February 12th, 2015.
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