Friday, 31 August 2012

THIRTEEN.. lucky thirteen on a Friday.. more would be good but thirteen will do the trick!

Oh, there's no business like Show Business.. 

Heehee!  I bet YOU have all forgotten SHE went to Arts Educational Trust at Tring to study Art, Dance & DRAMA.. 

AND, MY Dear Readers, there is more than enough DRAMA going on here at MY Blog HQ.. because only thirteen Dear Readers are required to read a Post before midnight tonight in order for BONG.. the hammer to send the gravel UPWARDS and bang ONE THOUSAND.. smack on the nose!

ME.. I have to stay here, claw-nibbling in the excitement.. SHE, meanwhile, cannot stand the suspense and is going to garden and give poor ole Couch Grass a hard time.

Ooooooh dear.. no one warned ME that being a 'baby' Blog Writer would be painful.

GeeGee Parrot.
August 31st, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Nous vivons dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. Tout cela est bien, mais il faut cultiver son jardin.

    Candide ou l'optimisme by Voltaire.

    I can only agree, one must cultivate one's garden.
