Monday, 6 August 2012

St.Tropez, Var, France.. Biggin Hill, Kent, England.. Part three.

Final part of the Trilogy.. sit down and 'buckle up' Dear Readers, YOU are in for a 'bumpy' read..

Guests came and had holiday fun, some were nice.. some "never mind, they will be gone in a week.. kill them with kindness, YOU never know what is happening in their lives to make them SO grumpy".

Ronnie came down with some friends to stay for a long week-end and took all of his 'crew' out to dinner.. NOW, that was a funny evening!

Lots more friends arrived to stay for the 'ten franc a night' deal, Martin Dumaresq, a charming Tasmanian came for a few days and whilst he was there.. 

Pilot flew down for 'le' week-end.. it seemed that Pilot has been rather taken with HER.. and having access to a light aircraft kept at Biggin Hill, he flew with a friend into La Mole, the small airfield that is very close to St.Tropez and they were squeezed into some beds somewhere..

He was probably feeling a bit sheepish as he had promised to be with HER for her birthday which was on July 7th, it had been a Monday and SHE had actually celebrated it on the day as the next week was the start of the REALLY busy season.. but on morning of July 7th, he sent HER a telegram "cannot come, we'll celebrate later, happy birthday, love M".. this was his initial.

"Yeah.. let's go to so-and-so for HER birthday lunch"..  SHE can't remember where they went to but Martin, Penny, SHE and Pilot flew down the coast for a late lunch.. so funny to see the beaches and villa Orla from 'not so high in the sky'!

End of week-end Pilot flew back to England, Martin left a couple of days later.. change over of guests mid July.. July 14 is Bastille Day, the start of the French Holiday season..

Out at plage Pampelonne, a really nice party of people took one of HER big villas.. Julian Watson and seven guests.. all delightful, they were old clients of Continental Villas and knew the area very well.

"Would SHE come and cook a BBQ for them one night".. the date and menu were decided upon. That morning, a guest, Mrs. Fenwick came to pick HER up at villa Orla in a car and together they shopped for the twenty guests.. remembering at the last minute, the extra bags of charcoal! And she took for HER a small over-night case as SHE would spend the night there.. far too far to ride home late and tired at night.

At about 4 o'clock, SHE went to get gas for Mobylette, had run out of gas once too often to do that again and headed for plage Pampelonne.  

On the way there is a steep hill and a very sharp right hand bend at the bottom and right on the corner on the left is a drive way into a restaurant, there are vineyards along the right hand side of the road for several miles.

SHE slowed down going down the hill as SHE knew there was loose gravel on the road and as SHE was in the curve of the corner, a white Peugot car exited the drive.. they hit HER, going at speed, with their right wing.. SHE was thrown off the Mobylette and into the vineyard, the car stopped, they saw the damaged Mobylette and drove off..

How do WE know this?  VERY fortunately for HER, there had been two people in the car park who heard the noise, the car stopping, the doors slamming, they knew something dreadful had happened.. running to the restaurant, they cried for help as they saw no body..

Dusk comes earlier in the south of France, SHE had been thrown a long way into the vineyards.. neighbours and Policemen searched for HER, finding HER mangled and bleeding from body and head..

Meanwhile, out at plage Pampelonne.. NO BBQ chef!

There was no telephone at villa Orla so Mrs. Fenwick called Hotel Byblos and asked them to go through 'the hole in the garden wall' to find out what had happened to her. Everyone was out.. her message was stuck onto the front door.

YOU can jurst imagine the shock when Penny got back and found the message and telephoned Mrs. Fenwick to find that SHE had never arrived, then she went straight to the Police.  "Yes, there had been an accident on that road, yes there is a young woman in the hospital, she is alive but very badly injured.. she is in a coma, please come in the morning and identify her".. 

SHE remained in a coma for jurst over a month.. HER parents were informed by Continental Villas in London, Pilot had been informed, Penny had replied to an address on the back of one of his airmail letters.. he called HER parents immediately and told them that as soon as SHE was good to fly, he would bring her home.. 

He did.. they flew into Biggin Hill, HER only wearing one shoe.. left foot took a 'bit of a bashing' from the car.. Pilot called HER parents to let them know what train they would be on, they took the train to Victoria.. to read what happened next.. go back February 11th to Post called 'I LOVE HER'.

It is scary what drink makes people do.. the St.Tropez police were beyond marvellous.. they ascertained white Peugot car had a Marseilles plate but remember, we are talking about 43 years ago.. and credit cards were not so common place, the drunk driver paid cash for lunch.. 

Someone from 'le magasin des flics'.. I know it is very silly but that is what SHE calls a French Police Station.. came to see HER at the Clinic every day lying in that coma.. and when departure day came, one of the 'heaviest' Flics collected Pilot from La Mole to bring him to the Clinic, took them back to say "Good bye" to everyone at villa Orla and then drove them back to La Mole to fly back to England. So kind.. 

SHE has a huge scar on HER head and several on both knees.. luckily all SHE remembers is seeing the car pulling out of the drive.. ole Mister Brain is mighty kind that he shut off and that SHE doesn't recall the impact..

It makes ME very wet-eyed to think that I might NOT have been HER African Grey Parrot.. let us think of happier things, why, it is supper time, let us both flap to YumYum HQ and see what WE can rustle up.


GeeGee Parrot.
August 6th, 2012.

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