Thursday, 30 August 2012


"A Parrots' Blog is read by OVER NINE HUNDRED 'Dear Readers' in month of August 2012.. AND is read by over 110 people on night that ParaOlympics opens in London"..

YOU are all amaazing! SHE watched most of The ParaLympics Opening night and went to sleep, happy in knowledge that YOU gals n' guys had smashed previous record of Januarys' 849 but when SHE saw figure of 110 Dear Readers for yesterday.. SHE was struck dumb (and all of YOU know how hard it is to do that).. 

And realised that with prayer and wing.. WE would, if WE are really, really lucky hit 1,000 Readers for this month.. Ole Beaky is gnashing in excitement for figure taken from Stats two minutes ago stands at.. drum roll please.. 902!

Now.. despite all this excitement and happiness.. SHE still has to go and buy BAY LEAVES!! Yes, them there Beets and Onions are for the chop.. so with lots of OUR very bestest, best wishes to YOU all.. SHE is a'goin to market.

WE will be back.. SHE has FABULOUS Tale to tell of 'THE THIRD HOUSE AND A LOST AUNT'..

Don't go too far.. stay in sight.. 

GeeGee Parrot.
August 30th, 2012

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