Monday, 8 January 2018


She had to go to the dentist to make an appointment, so went into Waitrose at the beginning of the North End Road and found medium cut Oatmeal which will have to do, she would have preferred to have coarse cut but beggars cannot be choosers.

Then eureka.. she thought a health food store might have it and went across the road into Holland & Barrett and yes, there it was, coarse, medium and fine.

So now she has both coarse and medium and will mix them and all will be well!

You must be wondering why she is making an issue out of this, well, the next time you pick up a pack of oatcakes, look at the ingredients. You may well see Palm oil, or something similar, well she doesn't want to eat that in an oatcake, thank you.

She wants a 'proper' oatcake and if you've been lucky enough to have 'Granny' who was a Scot and made oatcakes whenever she came to stay with the family, you would want 'proper' oatcakes too!

Besides the taste and all those unnecessary stuff, a pack costs about £1.80 but 750g of pure oatmeal costs less than that and the only other ingredients you need are bicarbonate of soda, a bit of lard and hot water!

Depending on what she's eating with them is how thick or thin she'll roll them.

It was dismal today, the sunshine and blue sky had been covered up by a thick layer of dense, low lying cloud and it was chilly, ugh, and wet as well, she pulled a hat down over her ears and scurried for the underground as fast as she could, there would be as little waiting at bus stops as possible for her today.

Some places were only accessible by buses but traffic was light and she managed to get almost everything done and be home before it was truly dark.

"Brrr GeeGee, it's most certainly time for tea" she called out as she came through the front door and shed her coat and hat.

Goody, I'm always up for a dish of tea and flew to help her make it, or rather I stood on YumYum HQ's door and watched as she filled our flask with tea and hot water, then flew ahead into our bedroom as that's where we were headed.

It's early but she's already looking at catalogues and planning what to sew in the propagators in late January, then plant out later at the allotments under 'Sun Tunnels', they're bigger that cloches and although they cost her £9.00 each, they've lasted well, she's had them for over ten years. 

Dearest Patsy in California has managed to get a company over there to identify the varieties of Globe Artichokes that only grow about twenty four inches in height.

Now armed with these four names, she can search for a company who will supply her with seeds. In her mind, you can never have enough of these wonderful vegetables, there are different varieties that will 'fruit' at different times so you get an almost continuous supply of them throughout the summer.. oh, what bliss on a stalk!

But we are jumping ahead of ourselves, there is much work to be done out there at the allotments and she would dearly love to have a week or two of weather the like of which we had yesterday. 

When she took the plots on seventeen years ago in January, it had been a dry month, cold but dry and she, her plot neighbour, Brett and a couple of other people had gone almost every day to clear their plots to get them ready for spring planting, so it would be reallyreally nice if the weather would cheer up and allow her to do the same this month too! Well, we will have to wait and see, won't we?

Maybe this dull weather will be a big poke to get her to finish the sitting room, who knows, but since she retired, she'd much rather garden than do house work, that's for sure.

But you never can tell with mothers, can you?

GeeGee Parrot.
January 8th, 2018. 

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