Friday, 19 January 2018


She got a call from an allotment friend whom she had agreed to meet today, Corinne said 'forget it, it's blowing a gale out here, let's meet tomorrow when the weather is supposed to be better'.

So she stayed home and is glad she did, for not only did she realise that she is having an early supper with Tereza tonight but she received calls that she would have missed if she had been busily trundling back and forth with horse manure.

One of the calls was from Rob, Dear Readers, you know him as The Wizard, 'cos he is one! They haven't spoken for months, there was lots of  catching up to be done.

The two big questions were, do you have a daughter or a son Rob and is Melanie ok? He laughed and said his name is Max and yes, that Melanie is ok, she had to have an emergency caesarian as he got stuck but they are both very well.

Then there was a lot more other stuff to be caught up on, how are his parents in Australia and his sister in Italy. What is he doing work wise.. all the stuff that friends want to know and be up to date on.

What good news, she thought when she put the phone down, I'm happy for them all, he's such a nice man.

She heated up something light for us to eat and also steamed a few leaves of Spring Greens, yum.. crunchy, then made a flask of tea and we went into our bedroom, she sat cosily under the bedclothes and I snuggled down on her warm head!

She was mighty pleased that Corinne called and delayed the work plans for their allotment, it IS blowing a gale out there and it's much colder than it was earlier on.

She looked at the papers and then read some of the sillinesses in the Daily Mail! And found the most wonderful video that you just have to watch.

There's a woman in Germany who has a pet snake, a yellow Python, a big snake which looks as if it is extremely well fed and not immediately liable to eat her, which it could.

The video starts off with her talking to it and putting the very heavy front end of the snake into a bath which is half full of soapy water and when most of the snake is in the water, she gently nudges the last metre or so (!!) of the snake with her foot until it is all in the water.

She calls him / her 'stinky'! Stinky! She calls me stinky too and has been known to dump me into the odd basin of warm water with cider vinegar in it but I'm a lot less polite that this fat python, who only hissed mildly at her once.

So there's your entertainment fixed for you! She is, as I have told you before, mortally scared of snakes, as am I, but this video is very funny and we recommend you find it and watch it, it's only 2 minutes long.

I'm having an early night, she's going upstairs for supper, I'll stay here and doze in my night house with walnuts and other goodly things.

Pssst.. I know I've said this before but do you realise we're past the half way mark of Winter, the days get brighter sooner and stay brighter longer.

Spring is on it's way folks.. oh yubba-dubba du!

GeeGee Parrot.
January 19th, 2018.

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