Sunday, 7 January 2018


The big outside world was busy yesterday, she went to Lidl at Clapham Junction to buy their own brand washing liquid for whites and coloured fabrics, various other household things and a few tins of sardines in oil.

And returned via the library in the King's Road.

The traffic was heavy and both places were full of people, it being, of course, the first proper weekend since before Christmas and people were replenishing food stocks and changing library books.

She checked hers back in and came away with ten books by authors whom she has never read before, this folks is one of her resolutions for the new year.

And after doing laundry and doing some more sorting out of things in the sitting room, she made our supper, I am not as keen as she is on sardines, so she laid a few anchovy fillets for me on our plate.

'Pudding' was two satsumas, a couple of oat biscuits with dark chocolate chips and a handful of walnuts.

The book she decided to read will be our next post, suffice to say that she found it delightful and hopes that this Spanish author has written another.

She was happily reading and munching on the above mentioned yumyum and slurping LapySang when she felt the first 'nip'.

This is how she described them to her beloved homeopathic doctor, Maggie Dixon, when she saw her at Ainsworths, in New Cavendish Street, London W1. "It's almost like being nipped or stung by something Maggie and look, this is what comes up" and showed Maggie.. a very angry looking hive.

The 'nip' last night was most disconcerting for within five minutes the insides of her thighs were covered in them and the knuckles of her right hand was extremely sore.

'This is awful GeeGee, what can have caused this, I cannot now be allergic to oats, oh pray not' as she got out of bed and went into YumYum HQ to find the packet the oat biscuits came in.

There were many rude words squeaked, then she came back in saying 'I can't believe it, Nairn's are using potato starch* to thicken their oatcakes!"

And she went to get the bottle of 'Bites & Stings', a remedy that Maggie had given her, but itched for at least twenty minutes whilst the remedy worked its' magic through her mucus system.

She'll take the packet to work so that the packet doesn't go to waste and in the meantime, will look out her grandmother's recipe for oatcakes.. for 'Granny' was Scottish and made delicious oatcakes.

Her best ones had crystallised ginger in them.. very slurpicious they were too.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 7th, 2018.
PostScript: *This may not sound awful to you but to anyone who is allergic to the Nightshade family: aubergines aka eggplant, potatoes, peppers (not chillies) and tomatoes, it's dire. 

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