Thursday, 25 January 2018


Life is good when you are a parrot 'child', your parent does all the hard work and you, the bird, get to live the life of 'Old Riley'.

The first Dear Reader who explains to me in my comment box (which is situated at the end of each post) who this old codger was will be awarded a Reddie.

This 'Reddie', to those of you who haven't read a previous post about Reddies, is one of my highly prized tail feathers.

I was busy munching lunch at the shop yesterday when the thought occurred to me, that I didn't buy the chicken and neither did I cook it.

Everything just appears or disappears if it is supposed to.. for instance, the paper which lines the base of my night house or the seed husks out of my bowl.

I do try to help by dropping the empties from my day bowl onto the floor for nice Mr. Bissell to gobble up. 

They don't have a happy life those machines, they are usually kept in a dark space and fed not very exciting things, just dust and the odd small bit of what-ever that you don't want on your floor, no wonder that they make such a noise, they must get so terribly hungry, poor things.

And so I'm grateful as there is always some morsel to be found, yesterday's tasty morsel was very tasty indeed.

On Tuesday, she'd bought a bag of chicken thighs which she cooked very slowly in chicken broth with garlic, herbs, ginger root and carrots.

Yesterday was Wednesday, the day we volunteer at the charity shop. When she woke up, she put the chicken pot onto boil, then turned the heat down to simmer whilst we had our eggs. She steamed a sprout top for a minute, drained it, put olive oil onto the leaves and added seasoning.

Just before we left the house, she put some of the meat and sprouts into a thermos flask, laid three of the thigh bones on top, closed the lid, checked the seal and hi ho hi ho.. off we went to work.

It was chucking it down! Luckily she had covered my travel cage with a thick towel, so I was warm and dry but she was very grateful for her proper raincoat, boots and one of Pat's hats!

The shop, as always, was very busy! Masses of incredibly nice donations were being brought in by regular customers and so, after settling my cage on top of a box, she opened the flask and gave me of chunks of chicken and the bones.

Then she started to work, labelling all manner of items with their correct codes, putting clothes onto hangers, steaming them, then she went into the shop to: tidy clothes rails, shoe racks, fill up book shelves, price dvd's and cd's. 

There's always lots to do in a busy shop and this is a reallyreally busy shop!

We left at 5.30pm, it was still chucking it down! She said "we're going straight home darling, thank goodness we have everything we need and I don't have to go out again".

That was when I realized, how very lucky I am.

You can take things for granted, can't you? Do you take your cook / bottle washer / house cleaner for granted?

I suggest you don't, because cooking / bottle washing / house cleaning aren't the most fun things to do.. day in.. day out.

And if you are the only one in your house, well, give yourself a break now and again and give yourself permission to do something a bit differently.

We have awoken to a bright clear day!

She can't go to the allotment as she has arranged to have a laptop 'class' with Raja this afternoon, as she cancelled yesterday because of staying longer at the shop, she can't cancel him again.

She has to go to the bank, do a couple of loads of laundry, put clean laundry away, we'll have lunch and go up the road for her laptop lesson.

So let's hope it is a fine day tomorrow.. for weeds grow in the rain.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 25th, 2018.

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