Thursday, 11 February 2016


Yessiree.. I'm free!

She came to collect me at about half past three and we high-tailed it out of Dodge straight into Waitrose! With a couple of things and a FREE Daily Telegraph newspaper, we then caught a C1 bus home and made straight for YumYum HQ!

As you do when you've been deprived of human food for three and a half days.. ahhh.. a big beak of hummus and a clementine and the world slipped back onto its' normal axis! She started my oral medication again and surprise surprise, I really don't mind it now in the slightest.

Whatever is in it DOES take the angst out of me with regards to this collar and I didn't, you'll be very pleased to hear, do any plucking whilst I was behind bars. So my tumtum is beginning to look a bit better.

What have I got to report? Dear Growly strongly advised me NOT to learn the words that Freddy and Teddy were shouting.. "best not dear girl, you'll find yourself confined to the bedroom when she has friends over and, even worst, you might not taken away for weekends, just let those silly boys be silly boys and stay stum". So I took her advice and now speak a little 'Love Bird' as there were a pair of them on my other side.

Apparently Old Jack Frost was extremely busy last night scattering his icy frosting about the place, the lawn was completely white when she woke up this morning at seven of the morning clock, she went down to make herself a mug of LapySang and climbed back to bed with it to read the papers on-line.

She's going to give you a couple of recipes tomorrow, but as they're quite long and the blog writers probably have " Don't copy any of these recipes" copyright stuff stuck allover their blogs, what she is going to do is she's going to give you the web addresses and names of these two delectably delicious things.

We're going to have an extremely early night, she's unpacked, I have had my human food and want for nothing but a quiet doze on my mum's head!

We'll be back on schedule tomorrow with more posts but in the meantime, I want to wish Granny Jo an extremely happy three weeks in South Africa and to thank Michele and Pete for having my mama to stay, feeding her with scrummy yumyum and for being, as always, the kindest and loveliest of friends.

GeeGee Parrot.
February 11th, 2016.

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