Sunday, 7 April 2013


Dear Readers.. do YOUR beloveds sometimes behave in a gleeful and silly fashion? For MY beloved certainly does and usually it is the sunshine that makes HER behave in such a way.

SHE was late to bed last night, SHE went to Kew to have supper with Leigh and Ossie and saw their new floor, it is very smart, comfy underfoot.. SHE approves greatly and apparently it is by Amtico.

And dining room walls have been painted, there are new chairs for the dining table.. very cleverly designed to support the sitters back.. two  new paintings.. one of which SHE lurved, this was of Aspen tree trunks against a dark background of different browns with gold accents.. it hangs above an up-right piano. The other was a charming watercolour of Tulips, perhaps some of HER favourite flowers, and below, on top of an old Spice cupboard, was a tall white enamel jug full of real Tulips.. oh, fresh flowers.. Delicious.

Which brings ME to the title of this post.. SHE woke slowly, dreaming of a florists.. curious, SHE thought.. until SHE opened HER eyes and saw to HER delight that the Daffodils that SHE had picked in bud at the allotment this week had opened.. such pretty, pretty flowers, a few are of the traditional yellow variety but the fragrant ones are double-doubles of pale creamy yellow with some white petals right in the centre.. such perfection.

Now.. back to sunshine and foolish behaviour..

SHE went off to fraternise with that most norty of Goaty Folk Debbie.. aka mother to all sorts of mischievous kidly-diddlies of not many weeks old.. Debbie reported the birthing of over two hundred and fifty Goaty kids!

They grinned and laughed like funny (peculiar) people at each other.. why? Well, it was warm, for ole sun himself was shining his shiny torch upon the Farmers Market in the schoolyard at Parson's Green. The bad news was that SHE was too late.. all the Scrummydumptious raw Goaty Milk had been sold.. that will teach HER to get going earlier.

SHE has to go next Saturday to the Farmer's Market in Balham when Debbie has agreed to save HER the four pints, that is needed to make that ricotta I posted about last week.

And because ole sun himself has lightened HER life and SHE is feeling frivolous.. SHE has given ME another joke to give YOU.. this time it has a Scottish feel to it and comes directly to YOU via HER from the naughtiest of naughties.. aka Constance. Go back to read previous Posts from MY Blog to discover who Constance is..

Now, Constance had two equally naughty parents.. Florence, her mother, was a Scot. Her name was Shiel, she was a lowlander.. not one of those tricky highlanders.. and so it is with this Scottish blood coursing through HER veins that SHE has the right to tell the following joke.

It was the end of a year and the father of three sons had had a good year, so he called his three sons to him and said "I find that it has been a very good year financially for the family and so I would like to thank you for your hard work and am offering you a small financial reward".

He went on to say "How much would you like me to give you and what would you want to spend it on?"  His three sons were absolutely speechless, for this had never been known to happen before!

His eldest son, William, stepped up and said "Father, this is extraordinarily generous of you and I would like £5.00".. his father smiled at his eldest son and peeling off a crisp £5.00 note he asked William "And what will you purchase with this?". His son responded, "Andrew and I are going to London in the new year father, so a tartan scarf is what I will purchase".

Next up was Andrew, the middle son.. his father asked him the same question and received the very same response. Andrew wished to purchase a tartan cap for his trip to London.. their father was delighted by the frugal and extremely sensible purchases which are being planned by his two eldest sons.

Last, but certainly not least, is his youngest son Robert, who was of a slightly different character to his elder brothers.. He, too, is asked the question by his father..

But Robert hung his head and twisted his hands.. "Well, go on boy, tell me what you would like and on what you plan to spend it".  "Well.. father" said Robert.. "I want a £100.00".. YOU can imagine the shock on the father's face.. "£100.00? Whatever do you wand a £100.00 for, Robert.".

"Well, you see father.. I have a tart-in trouble". Don't be silly, I am NOT responsible for HER jokes.

But, I trust, when YOU have all stopped choking, that YOU will enjoy the rest of YOUR weekend and that WE do too.

GeeGee Parrot.
April 7th, 2013.

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