Wednesday, 10 April 2013

NPK.. & the Art of growing good bones.

No, Dear Readers, these are not HER initials, they stand for Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. 

Different fertilisers give different benefits to plants, if YOU are growing, for instance, Lettuces or Spinach, YOU would be looking for slightly different nutrients in the soil than if YOU were growing any kind of fruit.

Plants, just like humans, require their 'vitamins & minerals' to help grow strong 'bones and flesh' as it were and unless YOU are blessed with the most fertile of soils, all soils need fertilisers, either man made or natural.

This helps the flowers, fruit and vegetables that YOU spend effort and time on to grow to their maximum capacity and this aids YOUR body to be fit and healthy.

And talking of growing.. WE have just had a very well grown Chicken for supper. SHE has an old oval steamer, it has a domed lid and it takes a large bird. 

Into the steamer went a goodly amount of HER
homemade chicken stock, several small potatoes, a couple of small beetroots, herbs and spices and nestled in their midst, a chick-the-lick, a heavy bird with strong leg bones. 

Over a simmering heat, it steamed away for two hours and just before it was due to come off the stove, SHE laid some spinach across the bird's breast.. 

What a supper.. meat and vegetables for HER, I get bones. "Crack" goes old Beaky and I spend many happy minutes licking the marrow out of the bone. Very good for Parrots in general and this Grey Parrot in particular.

Somebody takes very good care to see that the 
Poultry that they breed is very carefully raised, HER Butcher, Dickinsons, sell this excellent meat and WE have just eaten a delicious meal.

If YOU want to eat well, learn who sells 'proper' 
food.. learn about fruit and vegetables, buy what is in season, not something that was grown faar away and picked whilst un-ripe.. and even more hideously 'gassed' in a bag to prolong its' shelf life.

And if YOU are a gardener.. do a soil test and find out what YOUR soil needs.. as plants need strong 'bones and muscles' just like us!

GeeGee Parrot.
April 10th, 2013.

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