Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Dear Readers, it is with regret that I confess I cannot read.. 

HER mind, oh yes, but unfortunately not music or words, so all the tunes that I have in MY repertoire I have learnt from HER.

WE have both a cd player and a radio but to learn a tune, it has to be repeated and they don't do that! I rely upon HER for tunes but bless her heart, SHE is not like Bill with his heavenly voice, HER voice goes all over the place and if SHE cannot remember words or the tune, a lot of "do do de doo" is sung or whistled instead..

However, SHE is an ACE whistler!

have three songs in MY repertoire.. the first is 'Farewell, Adieu' etc from the Sound of Music, this dates from when WE had a very grumpy friend staying for a week and SHE sang it as SHE was so happy when they had gone as there is nothing worse than grumpy guests in a small flat!

The second I learn much more recently, WE wrote recently about Bill playing 'Teenage Wedding' on the piano for Franco, it must have got stuck in HER brain, no matter, for it is a cheerful tune and it was easy to learn!

MY third tune will truly demonstrate exactly how daft Bill and SHE were.. and it involves a crate of apples.. 

A few months after SHE flew home from HER epic trip around America, Bill flew into London for an extended trip to do whatever it was that Bill did. 

He was very busy but they saw each other most nights and in August, he took HER to France to stay with an old colleague and his family, they lived on the Atlantic Coast and with the beach, sea, horses, charming people and lovely food.. it was a very happy week.

But holidays always end, he flew back to Washington and SHE flew back to London. Fast forward to mid autumn and to HER office was delivered a large heavy box.. people asked HER "What is it?" "I have no idea" SHE replied and proceeded to open it only to find.. 

A crate of apples, a small travelling alarm clock set for three AM!! And a note from Bill.. which said "I love you".

But that was it.. No explanation of what the contents were supposed to mean.. YOU can imagine how fast SHE dialled his office number.. but, he was out of town and his secretary said "All I know is what Bill said to tell you.. that the answer is in the song" and roared with laughter!


Two weeks went by.. with HER scratching head and eating apples..
then a carefully wrapped package arrived from the naughty man himself, it contained a 45 rpm disc with the title hidden under a white label, upon which he had written 'PLAY ME'.. 

YOU get the drift of how daft these two people were!

And this, Dear Readers, is MY third tune.. YOU maybe too young to remember the words but the tune is cute and easy to whistle, here is one verse. Then YOU will understand the significance of his gift.

The tune is called 'Button Up Your Overcoat'.

"Eat an apple every day.
Get to bed by three.
Oh, take good care of yourself.
You belong to me'

I call that MORE than cute..

GeeGee Parrot.
April 17th, 2013.

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