Tuesday, 1 April 2014


This story is enough to make you cry and be very angry at the same time. For it certainly caused her to have that reaponse.

This, I regret to tell you, true story goes as follows.

There were a couple who had Roy, an African Grey Parrot, the name of the man we do not know but the woman was called Sarah.

Sarah obviously loved her bird and certainly Roy loved Sarah. Unfortunately, for everyone concerned, Sarah died.

The man then found another woman, who took objection to the fact that Roy kept calling for the woman that he had loved.

So Roy was put into a dog cage and shut away in a garage with very little food and water for three years.

The couple decided they were going to move but that they did not want to take Roy, so they called Parrot Rescue UK and said "you need to come get this bird, we're off", they left him on the doorstep and shut the door.

I don't know what goes through a persons mind when they treat an animal (or human) so inhumanely but these people and others like them must be severely emotionally and mentally deficient.

Very luckily for Roy, he is now being cared for by Elaine Henley who is a Glasgow based Parrot Psychologist. She is having to treat him with an anti-depressant as he has been deeply traumatised and had plucked himself almost bald.

Poor Roy, why he was not given to Parrot Rescue UK before defeats us. 

Dagga-the-Parrot was a rescue bird, he was very 'mixed' up when he first came to live with her and it took time before he would approach her.

So you can imagine the happiness for both of them the first time he flew to her and rubbed his Beaky on her cheek. So we birds will adapt, if shown that we have no reason to be scared any longer.

We attack, bite, scream only because we are frightened, scared and feel unloved.

There are several definitions of Inhumane: savage, brutal, barbaric but in our minds there is one that really sums up this dreadful story.

             Without compassion for misery.

GeeGee Parrot.
April 1st, 2014.

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