Tuesday, 15 January 2019


Hugo, her father, was mighty careful with his feet, an ex-soldier who had been up on the North West frontier of India for most of WW2, he knew the health of your feet tobe vital.

Come Winter, we cast off our comfortable sandals and shoes and push our poor feet into socks, tights, boots and heavy shoes. And they complain, quite rightly so too! 

Last Spring, which was pretty dismal and very wet after a cold Winter, she noticed that her toe nails looked a 'bit weird', they seemed to have grown thicker and were difficult to cut.

And that was when she remembered her father using Hydrogen Peroxide. She had seen him working on his feet with cotton wool and a bottle of liquid and had asked him what he was doing.

He replied "Feet don't like being shoved into close fitting shoes and being made to be hot and sweaty, toe nails can grow an infectious thing that can be nasty, so I swab them with this once a day for a week a couple of times a year and it means I never have a problem, remember this when you get older, as it really works very well".

So that is what she did, she took her oblong shaped plastic bowl that she uses when she gives herself a proper pedicure, filled it with warm water, put in a good squeeze of Marseille soap, a splash of sterilisation fluid and sitting on her comfy bathroom stool, she put both her feet into soak.  

I flew into help.. don't laugh, she might have needed something, but she had everything so I was told to stand on the edge of the bath and watch.

What a process, feet soaked, she then took various instruments out of a small bag and did things to her toes and toe nails, when she was working on one foot, the other soaked in the water, then she turned her feet upside down and worked on the soles of both feet.

She had put a clean towel on the floor and stood on this whilst she emptied the bowl and refilled it with clean water and another splash of sterilisation fluid.

Then she really set to work on her toe nails.

Working a small metal instrument under the nail and around the cuticle, she cleaned each nail thoroughly, dried it with another towel and dabbed the entire nail, top and bottom with a cotton wool ball soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide. She used a different ball for each nail and disinfected the instrument before starting on the next one.

Every day for a week, she dried her toes after her shower and applied the Hydrogen Peroxide.

And yesterday, she gave herself a pedicure and smiled as she looked at her toes.. for it is now Winter and her feet are constantly locked up in leather and rubber work boots but there isn't anything wrong with her toe nails.

It did the trick last Spring and she will be doing it for maybe a couple of days again this Spring.. just incase 'it' thinks she has forgotten about it!

Fat chance.. 

If you have a problem with toe nail fungus or anything doesn't look quite right, I BEG of you, do not use those over the counter anti-fungal cream.

You may be fine with them but there have been one too many cases of serious health issues with a couple of the drugs that are used to kill the fungus that have caused severe liver damage.

Keep your feet clean, use low strength Hydrogen Peroxide, Tea Tree Oil or pure Cider Vinegar on cotton wool balls. 

That's it folks.. we are off to do more shredding and sorting of stuff.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 15th, 2019.

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