Friday, 4 January 2019


Well, we hope you watched the programme last night on BBC2, because we didn't!

She spent the afternoon and early evening sorting out stuff.. you know what I mean by stuff, it lives in cupboards and drawers or on shelves and you completely forget you have it and that.. is when it needs to go to another home.

But just before 8pm she received a telephone call from overseas and after it ended, she forgot to switch on the television, so we missed the programme we told you to look out for.

Well thank goodness for BBC iPlayer is all I am going to say. How amazing.. I must be growing up to exercise such diplomacy! Or I am fearful that she'll take umbrage and refuse to share her supper with me. You see, I know what supper will be.. and oh, slurp.

We have friends who had twins at the end of November, very premature twins, and friends have been dropping off boxes of cooked so that busy new mother Andreea doesn't have to cook.

But it got to the point over the New Year that there was, literally, no more space in their chilly white or frosty larders = fridge or freezer to those of you who aren't old Dear Readers of my blog! 

And when my mama called round with something a couple of days ago for Andreea, she was given a few boxes of cooked food.

We're having chilli con carne for supper tonight and will watch last night's programme.

That's your lot for now.. she has to get out and about.. Pip Pip.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 4th, 2019.

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