Wednesday 2 January 2019


In case you had been asleep whilst reading my posts over the past eight years, she reads books.. a lot of books.

She is a member of the local library which is located in the Old Town Hall on Kings Road and a mighty fine library it is too!

With a thriving membership, comfortable chairs and up to date newspapers, excellent librarians, a brilliant research department located directly above the lending library with computers and printers and several rooms in which they have lectures on all manner of subjects.

And as long as she has her membership card with her, she is allowed to borrow books from the central library - which is enormous and located within the new Town Hall up on Hornton Street, off Kensington High Street.

Talking books, films and music are also there to be borrowed and if, by some silly chance, she forgets to take her books back and clocks up a fine, she is only too happy to pay it.

How strange you much be thinking, why would she be happy to pay a fine? Well, work it out. She borrows hundreds of books a year free of charge and thinks it only right to pay back into the system that allows her to do this.

Do you support your library, thereby supporting authors - who get paid for every book that is borrowed from a library - do you read, watch films, enjoy lectures? Then get down to your local library and support them in which ever way you can.

Now back to the title.. have you ever read any of Adele Parks novels? You should for she's a clever author and the twists and turns in this last book that she has just finished reading left her stunned.

'THE STATE WE'RE IN' by Adele Parks.

I'll be back soon to inquire about your Christmas and New Year.

In the meantime, we send you our best wishes.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 2nd, 2019.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation, will follow through! Happy new year!

  2. Greetings to you Pegeen.
    We wish you and all of your family a happy very healthy year. will enjoy her books.
    You will enjoy her books and this book has a few surprises!
    With our best wishes to you all.
