Sunday, 20 January 2019


It's not a diptych, a trilogy or a quartet! It looks as if there are five books by Dean Koontz on his heroine called Jane Hawk.

She looked in the front of the book to see the other books in the series and went off to the library, they had emailed her to tell her that a book she had requested had arrived and she thought that she could try and find the latest in the series.

What an incredible service this library offers. They have recently put in several new and very comfy chairs plus a couple of small tables and the place is humming with activity!

Back to books.. she walked over to the section where books are held and lo and behold, on a shelf marked New Books.. there was the book that she hoped to find right in front of her!

'The Forbidden Door' by Dean Koontz, this is the fourth of the series and the fifth will be published in May of this year. 

So she picked it up as well as 'Swallow This' by Joanna Blythman that she'd reserved last Wednesday.

She returned her books through the machine, picked up a couple of others by authors whose work she enjoys and headed off down to North End Road market.

My goodness me, we are SO lucky to have the transport system that we have in London, a 211 bus took her from just across the road from the library, down the Fulham Road and onto the Broadway, she walked down Vanston Place, waved at her hairdresser and into the market.

Ooooh! Peter, one of her favourite stall holders, had Spring Greens! And because it was Saturday afternoon and near to market closing time he was selling them at eight for a £1.00!

They are from the same family as Collards and Kale and.. we love them! She washes them and puts them into a pan with a finely chopped up onion and puts the lid on for no more than a few minutes, that's it.. no extra water goes into the pan.

They are actually young cabbage plants and are loose heads of thick green leaves but with no hard core. They are very tasty and extremely good for you, they contain a seriously useful amount of the Vitamins C and K plus sulforaphane and indoles.

She got the vitamin information from an article written by Joanna Blythman, the author of 'Swallow This', that she's just picked up from the library!

More fruit, we eat a lot of fruit, and apples are delicious at the moment, we've finished our own, she stored as many as she could wrapped up in newspaper in mushroom boxes but the season was peculiar last year and we lost a lot of fruit because of the draught.

That's why she's hoping that we will have snow, I know it sounds daft but snow is the only way to get water back into the ground. 

Rain isn't useful at all, it creates floods and it hammers the earth, whilst snow, sits on the earth acting as an excellent insulator. It also kills a lot of bugs and then, when it melts, it takes moisture deep into the soil. It releases nitrogen in the form of NH2 along with Sulphur and other trace elements

Without snow, very cold temperatures can freeze the soil deeper and deeper, this can and does kill the root systems of trees and plants.

Our weather forecast says snow and icy conditions are on their way, considering we are half way through Winter, we reckon we have got away with it lightly!

The USA is currently experiencing a deadly storm which has killed people and caused chaos with transport, it's now turning on the Northeastern part of the country and then will head out over the Atlantic.

If we are lucky, very lucky, it will blow itself out before it reaches our mainland, but if it doesn't, and we have those winds coming down from the East, we're in for an extremely cold and snowy February, that's for sure.

This coming week, she'll replenish our stock of dried food. Having to go out for food, when you could have saved yourself being exposed to bitter icy conditions with a little bit of forethought, is stupid.

Yum.. time for her to think about putting our lunch together, we had scrambled eggs for our breakfast this morning but that was many hours ago.

She will have a mug of duck stock, then we will finish the chilli con carne she defrosted over night, together with a big bowl of carrots, onions and greens, then we will settle down and read a book or look at the papers on line. 

Stay safe wherever you are.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 20th, 2019.     

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