Monday, 10 March 2014


Yes, Dear Readers, that is a strange title but when I tell YOU the Tale, YOU will understand.

Yesterday I told YOU that a gardening friend, Jack, had died. He was a furniture and cabinet maker, his workshop was in Hereford, as he had done this for all of his working life and was good at it, he had collected an amazing collection of tools.

His son did not follow his father's footsteps, so there are all these tools, some of which are antique and others which are much newer but most of them are valuable.

Ros, his widow, is sorting out all of this. Whilst talking to HER yesterday, she mentioned this, almost in passing as "what am I to do with these tools, I can't just chuck them away".

SHE thought about it for a nano second and then it came to HER. A furniture designer would know of people either starting in the trade, a college or a training workshop which would be very pleased to get their hands on some of these tools, the like of which are no longer for sale.

Fast forward to this morning. SHE telephoned the furniture designer and told him about Jack, his demise and Ros having to sort out the workshop.

His response was immediate, that certainly he would contact Ros, that he would himself contact The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers who would know of places that train or need tools.

SHE thanked him, gave him the contact details for Ros and then asked him what the weather was like in Gloucerstershire.. "well, until about ten minutes ago, it was lovely but now the sky is dark grey and the wind has swung round and it is cold"..

I heard that.. so when SHE whistled for ME to jump into travelling cage, I flew the opposite direction and played 'impossible to catch' game!

After ten minutes, SHE gave up and went off alone to the garden and came back at five of the afternoon clock.. whoosh, down the stairs, key into front door and very swiftly into the hall. I was on bedroom door.. 

SHE came in, looked up at ME and said "OK, how did YOU know? Feather Face, how did YOU know it was going to be so chilly-billy?"

I looked down from MY snug and cosy door and said "Thomas told US, YOU didn't think, he is in Gloucestershire, which is south west of London and the garden always gets the south-westerly weather, so cold and windy was on its' way."

Now YOU will understand the title! It was Hal's father who is going to help Ros and who saved ME from being very chilly-billy at the garden and it is going down as low as 3 degrees tonight!

The next Tale which MY Blog will tell YOU tomorrow is a very happy post, in fact, there will be two posts tomorrow, another about today and a very funny one from times long gone.

So be sure to come back to read more Tales from an African Grey Parrot.. aka ME.. tomorrow.

PipPip.. FlapFlap..

GeeGee Parrot.
March 10th, 2014.

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