Sunday, 2 February 2014


Greetings to YOU all MY Dear Readers.

I hope that all is well with everyone and in all areas of YOUR life?

SHE has had a little bit of unnecessary exercise, it never does one any harm but SHE thought that HER friend Debbie, aka goaty Mum, was going to be at Parson's Green today.. wrong but who was there, as a pleasant alternative, was Rosie, a maker and purveyor of exceedingly good jams, jellies, marmalades etc, etc.

Rosie has opened a tea room at a golf club near to Dorking but alas and alack, the course is under water so the club is not open.. so no hungry or thirsty golfers are queuing up to partake of Rosie's excellent yumyum.. 

Norty Jet Stream, WE wish that it would behave and go back into its' normal position.

SHE is now home and has been popped something into the hot metal cupboard, I think it is a dish of vegetables that WE will have for an early supper.

When I say WE.. I am not including OUR guest, I doubt very much whether a Feral Dove would even consider eating a roasted onion! 

I must say that he is very well behaved. No 'racket' is coming from the back room, he spends the day eating and sleeping, which is just what SHE wanted him to do.

SHE has had a look at the stats of the Blog, new month and all that, and saw to HER amazement and amusement that the readership of the post about Gateau de Pommes de Terre Savoyard has overtaken by a huge amount the post about Guerlain, Caron and Angela Flanders ( all serious Perfumers). The perfume post had been the most read blog ever since I wrote it in July 2012!!

So YOU, MY Dear Readers, are obviously all very fond of Potatoes and stories about eating them!

YOU will be glad to hear that a couple of funny looking tatties went into that hot metal cupboard, I believe they are called Sweet Potatoes.. it is true.. for they are most edibubble.

And now it is time to flapflap into YumYum HQ to oversee the use of old Nutmeg grater onto the fore mention vegetable.

PipPip.. Enjoy the rest of today and I will be here tomorrow.. doubtless with a Tale or two to tell.

GeeGee Parrot.
February 2nd, 2014.

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