Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Not very much to report.. it is blowing a mile a minute out there, rain is falling by the tub load and it is cold. The flooding all over the country is appalling and the weathermen say the end is not in sight.

Today SHE took things to donate to a Charity in Cadogan Street and used an umbrella, which was less than useless as the wind thought it was a toy! 

SHE had to go up to the West End, SHE took a big cotton square, wrapped it over HER head and around HER throat and then pulled a hat over it, it looked 'strange' to say the least, but at least HER ears, head and throat were dry and warm.

Ugh, goodness, prices for repairs have shot up! SHE has two more things that need to be repaired.. sigh.

And it is February, the month when utility bills have to be paid, electricity and gas.. bigger sigh.

So all thoughts of going to eat something hot, nice and spicy at a Chinese YumYum joint had to be put aside.. SHE is being very strict this month and sticking to HER budget.

Income so and so.. with expenditure less equals happiness.. income so and so and expenditure more than income equals misery.. quite true.

Back to the beastly weather. The noise of the wind blowing at midday was beyond ferocious, it was quite scary, in fact. 

Suddenly, there was an awful crash from outside the front door, SHE peeked out and, oh dear, the three orange trees which sit on very wide window ledge had been blown off and were lying down on the ground, a few Oranges had broken off but the main trunks and branches were ok. They were very lucky!

The trees in Hyde Park have not been so lucky. 

There are branches lying all over the ground, with 100 mile an hour winds, what can WE expect? Huge amounts of damage all over the country caused by the water and now these strong winds.

It is sad to realise that the amazing rock formation that was on a beach in Cornwall has been destroyed, it looked like a piece of Henry Moore sculpture, with the perfect hole in the middle, it was blown apart by those monstrous waves last week.

So WE dread to think what is now happening at the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Southern Ireland, YOU cannot even begin to think about the ferocity and type of weather that is hitting them, as they face straight onto the Atlantic Ocean and will be receiving the brunt force of everything that is coming this way.

What a winter, MaryLou, in Illinois, has lived in the same area since the 1950's and neither she nor her brother can remember a winter being as severe as this one. 

And in Australia and Southern California, there is a very severe water shortage.. West Texas also.. it is a very grim situation for all types of ranching, be it arable, fruit and or livestock (animals).

Here there will be massive shortages in all types of locally produced food. Winter Wheat, forget it, it is rotting. Brassicas, the same for there are acres and acres of farm land under deep water.

And where are these poor farmers to move their livestock to? Where do you take herds of cattle and goats, horses and ponies, flocks of chickens, ducks, sheep and turkeys when, for miles around, all there is, is more flooded land?

It is, without doubt, an extremely difficult situation, a massive problem and a very sobering thought.

GeeGee Parrot.
February 12th, 2014.

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