Saturday, 2 April 2016


If you've read my last two posts, you'll know that dreaded collar is off and that all 'appeared' to be well.. for during Thursday night I ate lots of crunchy midnight snacks and plucked not one feather, not even a tiny one and was full of the joys of Spring when she opened my curtain and leapt onto her hand to come out.

Well, last night I went to bed with fresh yumyum and water but when mama opened up my curtain this morning, she knew immediately that everything had gone 'pear-shaped', for I was tucked away at the back of my house looking subdued (not my normal manner) and reluctant to climb onto her hand.

And do you know why? Well, between going to bed last night and being let out of my night house this morning Beaky had snipped off forty nine newly aquired tumtum top feathers (this means that the feather 'stalk' is still inside my skin) leaving me with very few fluffy tumtum under-feathers.

No, I don't know why I did it either, but we African Greys are the very worst at doing this once we start. She had given me a bath that had got rid of any dead or dried skin, I have fish oil every day plus my nettle tincture and last night I had had my tiny dose of 'calming stuff' that Matthew prescribed for me but still I did it.

I had the collar on for ten weeks.. you would think that would have broken the habit.. but obviously not. I had extremely appetising YumYum and clean water with drops in it plus a toy.. oh dear, she's now as sad as can be and so am I.. plus.. I am down to 400g on the scales today.

When I plucked in 2010, the collar did the trick and I didn't go back to doing it again.. this time the vets are concerned, as is she, as I have stopped eating and after speaking to Alan, who is a locum and Matthews' side kick, she's made an appointment for me to see him on Monday at 3.30pm. This can be cancelled if I chirp up and start eating again over the week end.

What to eat.. anything.. "Toast, cake, pasta.. anything to get her to start eating again" he said. So now she's off to buy a small loaf of tasty bread.. oi vey..

There go her plans to go gardening on this bright and sunny Saturday..

GeeGee Parrot.
April 2nd, 2016.

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