Wednesday, 20 April 2016

All was revealed! It's her Achilles tendon that's causing the trouble.

She's home from her session with Valerie Worwood and feeling a bit like as if a truck ran over her! She, Valerie, always gets it right on the button with my mum, she's been treating her now for a couple of years and picks up immediately on what needs to be worked on.

The pain in her right foot is due to her Achilles tendon being inflamed, this causes her to change her stride and affects how she treads on her foot, who knew and it's an inflamation in her lower left calf which is causing the congestion in her calf area, hence it being sore and the lumpy bits.

Her facial area around her eyes, her spleen, lungs, pancreas and liver are also congested. She's been given small specific exercises to do and advised to get out to the allotment as much as possible or to walk in Hyde Park on dull wet days.

She realised, when she was on the tube going to Liverpool Street, that if she stayed on the Central Line out to Stratford, she could stay on the same platform and catch an overland train to Romford, how easy was this! No escalators, up and down passages or changing stations at Liverpool Street.. just straight through with one change at Holborn.

And coming home she went via MailBox and there were two packages waiting for her, a package of Magnesium and nine old fashioned drawer locks that she found on the web for NO, or rather very little, money! Complete with two locks to each lock! Bingo!

She had a very late lunch, we are having a little doze. Then she has to do some work.

Oh.. how about this for cheekiness! The managing agents, remember them, those nasty folk who made her give away the plants and get rid of her beloved citrus trees? Well, the rubbish area door needs work doing to it and she received an email from the freeholder asking her to take a photo of the door and to send it to the managing agents to save them the bother of coming out to see what was needed themselves.

Excuse me? Her response was "I suggest that they send a carpenter with three large exterior quality hinges and weatherproof screws".. and she thought a few choice rude descriptive words, the like of which I am not going to write on a public blog but I bet you could guess a few of them.

Doze time.. snore.. poor old trout.. what an emotionally tiring two days.

GeeGee Parrot.
April 20th, 2016.
PostScript: We will give you the recipe roasties with rosemary tomorrow evening.

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